Jack fruit : Please read about jackfruit and... - Diabetes India

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Jack fruit

Sugu profile image
32 Replies

Please read about jackfruit and diabetes The Hindu 26 April 2025:


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Sugu profile image
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32 Replies
norreal profile image

Perhaps there is a negative to Jack Fruit, it may coagulate blood!

Meetu77 profile image
Meetu77 in reply to norreal

Welcome back! You are right about coagulation:



norreal profile image

Perhaps there is a negative to Jack Fruit, it may coagulate blood!

Meetu77 profile image

These details not many understand because these things are missing from "textbooks" of their choice. Orange juice is great for diabetics just because Mayo says it ... don't ask for reasons :)

ShooterGeorge profile image

These people may be thinking about the white gum that comes out while cutting it. Some others may be misguided bye the name itself - jackFRUIT!!!

They might not have even seen one in real - there is a proverb which means A COW IN THE PAPER DOES NOT EAT GRASS.

ShooterGeorge profile image

Some may be misguided bye the name itself - jackFRUIT!!! Even while it is young & tender it is unfortunately known in English as jackFRUIT. What a pity! And people spend their time speculating on it. (April 26)

(May 5) My grand-daughter ( aged 7) born & growing in the U S calls un-ripe produce of Jack-fruit tree as JACK-VEGETABLE. It is felt that she is more sensible than the westerners who ruled India & named jack-vegetable as jack-fruit.

Meetu77 profile image

Why did USDA Pyramid FAIL? If USDA was all great scientists, the Pyramid shouldn't have FAILED!!!

EU plate same situation as USDA food plate. That's why diabetes epidemic is as worse in both regions. No surprise there.

On the contrary, look at LCHF food plate. Huge number of diabetics are proving ADA wrong :)

Meetu77 profile image

USDA Pyramid FAILED that's why it was replaced by PLATE. I said FAILED, not collapsed. There'a huge difference between failure and collapse. ;)

Did you deliver this long and irrelevant lecture because you did not know the above? I love being concise and precise. No need to take pot shots at my professional or comprehension capabilities, as both are far better than yours.

First get your knowledge updated on why USDA Pyramid (what it is) and why it was replaced by Plate. It's never too late to learn new things and when your knowledge is updated you will never need to take potshots. :)

Your reply just exposed you. You really never knew what USDA Pyramid was :)

ranga profile image

Hi Mr. SG, It is true unripe prepared curry is very taste when we were young we used to mix the curry with rice and eat. I last contacted you when i was in US. thanks for your posting


ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to ranga

Hi ranga sir, Glad about your re-appearance.

ranga profile image

Hi All insulin one year once was developed in India and the approval is pending by this. They do not want their industry to suffer in sales. What is wrong to use Indian developed drug to use in India.

Our native medicines will give proof of real remedy. Mr. SG , Anup and many others are quit medicines why not we...?


Meetu77 profile image
Meetu77 in reply to ranga

@ranga -- Even I am off from all diabetes control drugs. Following LCHF since 3 years+ now and my medical reports on LCHF surprises the doctors, who had nearly pushed me to Insulin at one stage. Anup never took any drugs in any case. He runs his own LCHF forum for Indian Diabetics.

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to ranga

Hi ranga sir,

After l-o-n-g time!

Thank you for the positive note.

ranga profile image
ranga in reply to ShooterGeorge

Hi SG ,It is nice to see you .

I am OK with medications.

Active , thank you


ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to ranga

My intention with LWMDR was NOT quitting medicines because I was never on medicines for DM. Instead my intention was to CURE the disease + improve the health. I do not mind taking medicines for curing diseases & improving health, IF THEY DO!

Meetu77 profile image

@indiacratus --

I am waiting for a correction from you and you owe an apology for taking potshots at me (lady) despite the fact that you lacked complete knowledge of USDA Pyramid. Let's see what I get from a man who talks of politeness and decency. Time to practice what you preach.

Last time you insulted me on Newcastle kcal issue and back then also didn't take your insults back on being exposed.

Ipog profile image

The moot point whether eating raw jack fruit (Not jack fruit as referred in the links) which is like raw mango/raw banana results in reduction of glucose in blood remains unresolved. Is there variety in raw jack fruit and is it available in chennai for testing as suggested by Mr.Indiacratus?

Sugu profile image

23 comments. Not bad. Some informative and some acrimonious debate. Let us avoid snide personal attacks and concentrate on debate.Let us share our views and thoughts. Keep the vendors and vested interests at bay.

Meetu77 profile image
Meetu77 in reply to Sugu

Once one looks into the history of who few ( three or four) it will be clear who adds to most of insults and personal attacks. Huge number of diabetics on LCHF diet, who preach or talk about it have been insulted unnecessarily. Even I (a lady) wasn't spared right on my first post here.

Meetu77 profile image

Thank you indiacratus.

My response was a question which you answered wrongly because of lack of knowledge.

If you do not want to respond to my queries that's fine with me. But I will keep asking them o defend my argument that ADA's diet is a BROKEN diet.

It was broken since the day High Carb Low fat became the norm in America and started being pushed globally.

ranga profile image

I try to follow LCHF but at times it keep slipping. But i am OK with it and active at the age of 75

Meetu ,the raw jackfruit means ,tender ones cut the outer shield and the inner portion made into small pieces and cooked with any Dall you like. These cut pieces in Salem tamilnadu one time was sold by the street vendors.this vegetable is very taste and good for diabetic which i come to know only now. thanks for the information

K.Rangaswamy Bangalore

Meetu77 profile image
Meetu77 in reply to ranga

Yes sir I know about Jackfruit -- called Kathal in Hindi.

We North Indians love the same when cooked just like mutton. It's a great replacement for mutton curry. There's also pickle made from it and specially the one made in vinegar -- the vinegar that's made from sugarcane (almost black in color) in rural India and not he chemical acetic acid sold in bottles.

ranga profile image
ranga in reply to Meetu77

Meetu77 , good .Jack fruit may be available through out India

Tender ones are good to eat.


ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to ranga

Hi ranga sir,

I have enjoyed four stages of Jack vegetable/fruit.

Earliest one is what you told. It is known as "Idichchakka" in some places & "Idiyanchchakka" in some other places of Kerala. At this stage everything inside is tender. Only the outer green part is removed; rest complete including seeds with skin is cooked & used.

Next is partly mature, when seeds are hardened. From this only the fleshy part surrounding the seed is used to cook curry.

Third stage is slightly more grown but not ripe/fruit. Then the fleshy part surrounding the seed is used to fry chips, resembling potato-finger-chips.

Finally the fruit!

I have tried fruit preserve in sugar syrup. It is very tasty & was intact for years under refrigeration.

ranga profile image
ranga in reply to ShooterGeorge

Dear Mr. SG, You are in Kerala. Ckaakkapalam my spelling may be not good is famous preparation. My asst KCU Raja is from Kottakkal and they are from the royal family. It is a heavenly place ,Kerala.

There is friend of our age Mr.T M Mathews at Kozenchery. Wish to

meet him once and thanks for your reply.


Sugu profile image

Why dont they say 'jack' and 'jack fruit'

ranga profile image

Now a days the young ones are more intelligent than us in that period. Congrats. which part of us she lives.?

I was in Sanfrancisco near LA


ranga profile image

Dear SG, I do not know your recipe-2 . I use LW as chapatis . Powder it and use . again mixing with water and making dry chapatis is easy. Let me know you other recipe-2


ranga profile image

Dear Mr. SG, Thank you for the details . I am taking insulin0-0-18 units per day once only.Plus glimesave 1mg 1-0-1 perday.

These are keeping me in control. I do not buy broken wheat.A reliable store supply this wheat. Self & my wife are both D and hence make chapatti and eat. Your recipe we wish to follow and see the result. Thanks

K.Rangaswamy 07.01.1941

ranga profile image

Dear Mr. SG, Some time i use regular wheat. Boiled rice with vegetables.

Threshold we use in electronics many times to compare set level and the input.

Other than this use i do not know



ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to ranga

Dear Ranga sir,

Occasional skipping of LWM is not serious.

About threshold, glad that you are conversant. I was trying to relate it with LWMDR dosage. What my experience is that two grams of dry grain LW per kilogram of body weight per day is the threshold for LWMDR. From this you would have understood that by my statement above what I mean is that LWM taken once daily may not be effective unless it is 2gm/kg/day. I think this is too much a quantity to consume in one meal.

Sugu profile image
Sugu in reply to ShooterGeorge

George, Is it 2 gms dry weight of wheat or cooked porridge weight ?

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