hi Fasting blood sugar 91 and reading after eating shows 180 what does it mean ?
hi Fasting blood sugar 91 and reading aft... - Diabetes India
hi Fasting blood sugar 91 and reading after eating shows 180 what does it mean ?

It means you need to be cautious about your eating habits or else you are sure to get into trouble.
FBS should be less than 100 mg/dL and PPBS (2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a pre-diabetic state of dysglycemia, that is associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of cardiovascular pathology. IGT may precede type 2 diabetes mellitus by many years. IGT is also a risk factor for mortality.
Check HbA1c.
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it means you are not yet diabetic.But you should control your meals before lunch i.e you should avoid sugar in any form and should not take carbohydrates in large quantities.you may consult a dietecian. ranadhir.
If you start LCHF diet now you can avoid life long different doctors visit,dangerous diabetic medicine, and diabetics complications. It is up to you to decide. read about lchf from net. learn the pros and cons of different options.
If you stick to lchf now then your diabetics will be controlled with a month. My wife FGB was 120+ which is more dangerous than after food. With 2 months her fasting came to 98. Mine was also above 120+ now just trying to follow lchf diet mine is with in 100.
Mid morning tea/coffee (break or no break) was norm at offices that start early and also post lunch tea. So why can not a 32 year old add a couple of snacks between dinner and breakfast?
If 0.8 gram to one gram per kg of body weight is the daily limit for protein, would it not be better to add healthy mix of good fats?
In my life i never had such a nice and quality food. if you see my diet chart it is all their in right pro potion. i eat salads, nuts, vegetables, fruits(avacado),dals and milk products. I don't miss roti any more. Roti was a terror for my stomach. I am happy that i get good quality fiber,protine, carbs and fat. I think myself that it is a great food i ever had. The quality of life and the energy i got is finominal. Ofcoure i have to spend little extra money. That i save from the so called specialist visit and their machines use. Before was daily dal roti.
It is not that i not tried bindi juce, mehthi or anulom vilom. I tried every alternative thing before surrendering to englsih medicine. I am very very satisfied. If somebody with open heart reads and see the thing then they cannot miss lchf. I have seen in west websites how many are reaping the benefits. check this website diabetesforum.com and see yourself how different diabetics patients getting free benefit by just adapting to this diet.

As far as textbooks are concerned i have good example how they are outdated. When my daughter was in 7th standard, in her computer book there was programming language called "logo". Some basic introduction was there. I had never heard about such programming language before that. Even software professionals whom I asked about it they were also unaware of the language. Similarly when there are problems in computer software one can not go by books as there are no written solutions in books.
Roadside scooter mechanic does his job without any help from textbook.
If ADA guidelines and textbooks are really helpful, and if doctors are following those guidelines then why people need drugs one after another. Many people don't know anything about diabetes. They just follow their doctors but still develop diabetic complications. So who is at fault?
Those who are not diabetic also need supplements. So there is nothing wrong if diabetics need supplements.
And the most important thing is what is effective in controlling diabetes easiest way.

When I was detected diabetic I was eating my regular meals but was avoiding sugar, rice and processed foods. Initially I was given sulfonyluria drug by my family doctor. Which caused mild hypos in the evening nearly for 15 days.. So I consulted endo and he changed my drug to metformin. Initially it helped me but over the period BS control started to deteriorate. ( At this stage endo recommended additional drug which I wanted to avoid) So I decided to cut on carbs and it started to show results. But there was calorie deficit. Then when I came across LCHF I found that I have to only replace carbs with protein and fat. Since then I am on LCHF diet which is giving me good results for my BS and lipids.
The point is, conventional recommended diet is only useful when the person is on large doses of drugs and still doesn't assure about lifelong control.
"The proof of the pudding is in the LCHF eating ". please go to diabetesforum.com web site and see how many diabetics patient got real life. From pre diabetics to insulin dependent. Lchf is the only way.
Before coming i also afraid of the word HIGH FAT. so i started following low carb diet. It give some relief. But it did not solve my problems. But in reality it is not that huge fat diet. As a normal householder i eat for a whole day 3 spoon of coconut oil, 1 spoon ghee and 1 spoon of olive oil+ nuts. I wanted to add one more spoon olive oil in the lchf diet but then my calories goes more so i have to cut it down. It is so natural. Only we have to change our traditional thinking pattern of rotti dal that's all.
Hi, This means that your mom has just borderline diabetese. post prrandial bloodsugar level should not exceed
160mg\dl. Since itis just the beginning, you may control by diet itself. Repeat the check once in 15 days.

A simple question, if ADA is so much concerned about people's health and their recommendations are perfect then why diabetes and CVD are on rise in USA even after following their guidelines?

Yes nothing wrong with average level of 160 those who are satisfied with this level enjoy it even best to have ADA's 180. Maintain those levels with their diet plan and list of drugs.
Those eating all type of fruits and vegetables still need supplements.
Hypoglycemia is not experienced by LCHF followers but by those on drug regimen and so called healthy diabetic diet.
LCHF is mainly popularised by Dr. Atkins, he was not roadside doctor.

Whatever I may be called but the truth is not going to change.
My fbs is 140 and PPBS is 205, is it possible me to control this with out medicines \, I am just 29 years old. Does this reading effects my kidney,Eyes & nerves. can please anybody assist me !!!!!!!
These levels are diabetic. If you do not bring down your BS levels to safe levels then there are chances of developing complications. Reduction in carb must be the first priority to reduce BS . Proper diet and exercise can control your diabetes without drugs. But for that you need to stick to strict diet plan and make changes to your meal accordingly. For real good monitoring you will need to buy a glucometer. And test after meals to check which foods are affecting BS. Gradually while reducing carbs you will need to replace them with protein and fat so calorie balance will be maintained. And if still your BS levels are not coming down then you will need drugs for controlling BS. Presently what is your diet and which drugs you are taking ?
Your ppbs reading is bit high comapred to FBS as your glucose generated from the breakfast you have taken is not absorbed may be due to lack of exercise or lack of insulin flow. This could be because of the food you have taken be more than you can digest.You have to control the intake of food then test again PPBS and then you can decide the quantum and the quality of food you can take,.
I have just shifted from modern wheat to ancient wheat. I have seen wonderful changes in my blood sugar numbers in about 10 days. I used to have wheat for breakfast and supper and rice for lunch. Now I have emmer ( shooter George's advice) for breakfast and dinner and millets for lunch. I eat plenty of non starchy, home grown vegetables, a small ripe plantain, grated coconut in my vegetables, coconut oil, melted butter and olive oil in chapathi and occasionally, rice bran oil for deep frying Puri.
I was on Diamicron MR60, glucomet 500 and Lantus 24 units before I began all this. Now I only use Lantus 16 units and no pills. But I take Zinc, B vitamins and Vitamin D3 supplements.
I exercise daily, specifically exercising my arm, leg, back and stomach muscles as I understand that this reduces insulin resistance.
My total intake of emmer and Little Millet may be approx 200 grams cooked. Emmer has a lot of resistant starch so it can fill without causing sugar spikes.
Little Miller never spikes my blood glucose and is very light and has an earthy flavour like water kept in a mud pot.
I expect to come off medications and stay off the same in due course. No drastic changes, only mindful eating, discipline and exercise.
Today, fasting 82, PP 134
What sort of carbs did you eat for breakfast? Did you eat fruits? If you used ordinary store bought wheat flour, it will spike blood sugar, at least for me.
Substitute millets or emmer and check again.
I am sure LCHF can give good figures because it does not demand insulin reactions. But about the BBC study some one posted? We all need healthy carbs.
Just see the rice varieties available in India. They have been cross -bred again and again for making them resistant to some pests. But what has it done to the quality of the nutrients?
Same about wheat.
Chicken is full of antibiotics and hormones. Even milk is contaminated.
I have tried to eat less emmer puttu, with more coconut with coconut oil and one small kela just ripe
1 hour PPBS 144
Thank you