30 to 40 mg/ DL. can you sujjest a solution to correct this problem.
I am diabetic since 21 yrs.my sugar reading... - Diabetes India
I am diabetic since 21 yrs.my sugar reading between 2 and 3 am is around 100-110mg/DL but when I measure it in the morning it is higher by

I am type 2. Taking glimi 2+2 mg (before lunch and before dinner) metformin 500mg twicetwice.my diet is simple bf- ulama.lunch-2chapaties+veg+dal.aft noon.lit snacks.din.3 chapaties+veg.
Thank you dear,for such a nice reply.
When the action-time of anti-diabetic drug is over, blood sugar level will rise till a drug is taken & have began acting. A diabetic, on drugs is like an acrobat on stretched rope; has to balance everything always.
This is why I did not follow that route & made a new path for me & succeeded in curing it. I do not have the problem that you have raised. If you wish to know more, please read my post at healthunlocked.com/diabetes... ---MYPOST 9, Long Wheat & Cure.
, main article at appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... & other related posts healthunlocked.com/user/Sho... .

What is your PP level? You are experiencing dawn phenomenon. you can check it out on following link. mendosa.com/blog/?p=232
Hello, one clarification please can one prepare the milk as in pt 26 the night before and have it first thing in the morning?
Thank you.