I am really amused to go through many blogs on this forum.There are many learned genetlemen suggesting various ways to combat diabetes.I give a standing ovation to all of them.But whosoever is following whatever pathy/ tricks/ medication.....there is a MAGIC PILL.That is diet control,exercise,and then medicine.I have come across people who,in the JOSH ,follow this sequence rigorously for 30 days and on 31st day just pop a tablet and say why to deprave,everybody has to die one day.It is very difficult to maintain the tempo of all these controls/ routines.So the moral of the story is that only STRONG WILL POWER is the magic pill to combat this malfunction of your body.
Diabetes.... Magic pill. ?: I am really... - Diabetes India
Diabetes.... Magic pill. ?

Rightlys aid Anupji. Kindly have a look at this link , for those who are in Diabetic tyoe 2 group. And for those who want to guide .
Great write up.I urge every one to read this blog.

i like and support strongly recommend that all we sufferers must go across it.
. s. There is no better formula for keeping high blood sugar levels in checK along with medicine as prescribed .
In the year 2003, I went for bypass surgery, due to tension developed diabetes. as per advice of Doctor started Insulin. But with control over diet and regular morning walk with normal life style, till end of 2012, I was normal without any medicine for diabetes, as I stopped Insulin within six months. Now I am 72 and my father had diabetes, from last 2 months I have just crossed the border line and taking some medicine. But I still believe self control is the best medicine.
Hats Off to you sir fir stating the fact of life. On a regular basis reasonable control can be maintained and in modern times when every one is so occupied and stressed & lifestyle it is rather too difficult to adhare 100% to what all doctor say. I know many doctors who are themselves suffering from various ailment. Better life management is the key to everything.
Yes...dont worry too much abt diabetics coz ur worries raise up your tension and thereby blood pressure and sugar...be happy always and be confident u can win over diabetics by eating only food items that are good for ur health...avoiding sweet and bad items like aerated drinks is not difficult...whenever u see them u must remember they are poisonous for ur health. If this mentality is cultivated u will not feel it difficult to control ur diet and u do ur normal duties at home exerting your body muscles to the maximum...thats all ...finished...u can bid farewell to diabetes...ok? God Bless!
Yes I am a diabatic for more than 25 yrs, I agree with Magic of following 3 ways
namely diet control-exercise-and medicine.
You are very much right.
Diet should be low carb which is the main culprit for diabetics.
I would like to share my own experience:
I am a diabetic for more than 25 yrs. In the beginning I use to run 5 kms daily. Plus strictly on salad and curds. Subsequently , I developed a habit of Salad food.
Recently Anup ji guided me for better medicines and LCHF food. I have adopted this type of food. You will surprise, last 30 days I have not touched roti, rice, potato and bread.I had eliminated these items from my menu card. Forget the sugar and sweets.
With this, my Fasting and PP BS are very much in limit. It has never crossed 150.
Today I am 60 and entering 61 in couple of month.
So the best way to concur Diabetics : LCHF diet, daily morning brisk walk for 50 minutes or 5 kms and correct medicines in time.
You are simply Great !!
You care very much for Indians who are diabetics. Give them correct advice and solutions. Great dedications.
Hats off
Yes, Anup. I am waiting 8th May to come. Exactly 8 days, when I have switched from Glynese MF to 500mg METFORMIN SR and carbs totally eliminated. No doubt, morning brisk walk 5 kms is continued non stop.
I agree totally.
proceed Anup,i will support u.I m a ayurvedic professional as well as a type-2 diabetic with theory and experience.My HB A1c is 5.5 with no piles,only diet,exercise and active life.
DEAR anupji, thanks for your constant efforts. i have cut down my jowar roti from 5 to 3. I need to talk to you. Kindly call me on 9322675123 thanks
Hi anup I purchased Dr Bernsteins Diabetes solution from flipcart and going through it. thanks
sir iam verymuch pleased to read magic pill very true 1 diet,2 exercise 3 medicine will be magic for diabeticpatients again iam giving importance prevention diet habbit for all the familymembers low carbohydrate diet habbit will certainly workout in future DRSAROJINI
Good advice
i am impressed with your efforts on diabetes. pls guide me in detail abt low carbohydrate food. thanks
"My aim is to AVOID PILLS" Can please tell us why u want to avoid pills
A dangerous path ?
the word doesnt suits to this .the correct form for this is LIFE STYLE MODIFICATION.
what is your experience about ED over a period of time. tell honestly
Yes it requires a will power. For everything you need this and it is really very good for all.
I have not been able to decide about what constitutes 100 carb diet. Can anyone help to lay down a north Indian diet.. It should have the calories to sustain a retired life with active habits nd walk of 4 kms.