Good morning I’m a new member here so a bit of advice would be very welcome.Ive suffered with passing the odd stone for quite a few years now but never been investigated so because one of the things I suffer from is severe flank pain I decided to have some additional ultra sound scans done,I’d had a ct done a year previous because of rib pain and it showed a 5mm stone and multiple small calculi it said.No one suggested any treatment they were more interested in the raised lymph nodes near my caecum which I had a colonoscopy done privately and two biopsies and they said all clear.My most recent ultrasound showed an additional 8mm stone had appeared in ten month period since last ultrasound so the radiologist said she wasn’t sure it was stones as they were “not shadowing“? She recommended I have a ct scan and the gp ignored so I asked my private consultant to chase gp for a referral to investigate and again he ignored request.Im now booked for a private ct scan costing £545 then I’ll have another couple of hundred consultation fees on top but there’s no choices while gps are hiding behind closed doors.I have pernicious anemia on top so I self inject every second day to keep the debilitating symtoms of that away because again ,despite havng neuro symtoms gp will only inject every 3 months which is fatal for people like me we just deteriorate so quickly as we can’t store b12.
What Id like to know is what is the likelihood of my having this kidney complaint as my brother suffers from stones too,my 24 hour urinary Calcium test came back normal so gp is not interested but thankfully my Private endo consultant shares my concern about this so if my scan confirms stones where would I go after this? My savings are fast running out and I obviously can’t work any more,haven’t for years and wouldnt want to at my age now with this illness p.a I’m exhausted all the time.Any advice that I can discuss with my consultant after this ct scan would be really helpful in helping me move forward.many thanks.