for men with PD what is best to treat ED? - Cure Parkinson's
for men with PD what is best to treat ED?

Wish I knew. Viagra is useless.
Finding the best positions, using my hand to help insertion, a little lube, recurring to exciting fantasies, and realistic expectations keep me going.
Best wishes.
You might find something in here that helps. Certainly,their info and advice sections are thorough, and not sales oriented.
Good luck
Bonny at Lovehoney <>;
Hi South 1983
Viagra does work well for me if you take the pill (100MG) an hour before you go to bed and then forget about it - and then let things happen spontaineously
Hi South 1983
Viagra does work well for me if you take the pill (100MG) an hour before you go to bed and then forget about it - and then let things happen spontaineously
Viagra does work well if you take the pill (100MG) an hour before you go to bed and then forget about it - and let things happen spontaneously
Viagra does work well if you take the pill (100MG) an hour before you go to bed and then forget about it - and let things happen spontaneously
Neupro patches work, some days all you do is walk around thinking of ''Thingy''
with on and off Priapism.
Ask Bob Dole.
I gotta say, I was more worried about my decreased libido and floppy erections than my wife was. If anything she was relieved that I was not trying to poke her all the time.
The question is, is the problem really ED. As someone said earlier on this thread "viagra is useless.
I believe that PD interferes in the arousal mechanism such that there is reduced interest unless the appropriate stimulation (whatever that may be) is provided.
I don't know what the difference is between arousal failure and ED. But I feel there is a difference and that is why Viagra doesn't help.
What's sex?
With me Miraplex is becoming a problem,Believe or not too many sexual thoughts.I want to stop Miraplex,But it is a great help with bridging in between sinement wear downs.