Hello All!
I just found this web site a few minutes ago, but it looks like it could be helpful for sharing information and helping each other along on this sometimes bumpy and always adventurous road that we call Parkinson's Disease.
I'll tell you a bit about me, just to get started. I'm hoping to blog here at least once per week, but I'm not going to commit to ANYTHING ... with PD, I might feel like writing or I might not. I'll take it one day at a time.
I was diagnosed 12 years ago at the ripe old age of 38. Those of you who are astute in math will quickly deduce that I must be around 50 years of age now. If that's your guess, then DING DING DING you got it right.
My current list of meds includes:
* Stalevo (100mg 4x/day)
* Mirapex (0.75mg 4x/day)
* Azilect (1mg 1x/day)
* Parcopa (50mg 2x/day, as needed)
I am participating in the second CERE-120 clinical trial. I had brain surgery in March 2010 as part of this trial. I am in Phase One of the trial (the Safety and Efficacy Phase). I am not seeing positive benefits yet, really, though the neurologist tracking me thinks I'm probably doing better than I would be if I hadn't had the surgery.
I feel like a child waiting for Christmas to come. I'm still anticipating good stuff to happen as a result of the trial. We'll see.
I am no longer working, due to the cognitive impairment I've had with Parkinson's. I formerly was a software developer and development manager, but over time I found that my executive function skills (problem solving, project management / organization stuff, multi-tasking, etc.) decayed. It wasn't pretty.
I now write as a hobby, and I've written a couple of books. My most recent book is Off Balance: Getting Back Up when Life Knocks You Down. You can read about it at GennesaretPress.com, if you're interested.
Anyway, I'm happy to be here and looking forward to sharing experiences with y'all!