I meet with a surgeon next month to consult and schedule dbs. As a single mother, I need to know what i can expect after surgery. Thanks, Chris
If you've had dbs--what was your post sur... - Cure Parkinson's
If you've had dbs--what was your post surgical experience--how many days in hospital, how soon were you able to resume "normal" activities?

I think that it depends on the surgeon. They seem to all do things just a little bit different. I only had one side done, because I started bleeding in the brain! It was stopped immediately and no harm done! I would do it all over again whenever needed! No fear! I had mine in October, 2006. I had the battery replaced just this year in January! I believe it was one week later that I had the stimulator in and then a few days later went to surgeon's office to have it turned on. Was back to my almost normal immediately! Once it was turned on I was good to go! Takes some programing to adjust, because everyone is different. But so worth it! Like I said, I would do it all over again! With no fear. Has given me some more quality of life for six years! Still on medications though! Stalevo and Azilect. And some for anxiety and muscle relaxer. And one Sinimet for sleep! Lot's of problems with RLS and leg cramps & constipation! Some things are just what you regulate yourself. Drink LOTS of water!! And exercise as much as you can. Hope this helps you! And I will say a prayer for you!

Thanks Carol--
Hi Chrismw, My husband had his DBS put in just this October 1st. We go tomorrow to get it set and turned on!! We are sooo excited!!
My husband was in the hospital only over night!! He did very well!! He had both sides done and the battery. I also have heard that some doctors do one side at a time and the battery at another time. I was soooo thankful that it could all be done at one time.
Driving was not allowed for two weeks after surgery. He was not to bend over or lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk. the doctor only allowed walking as exercise. He could shower but not get the bandages wet for two days. Then he could wash the head and the chest incisions gently after taking off the bandages. He had trouble turning in bed too. The pain from the battery in the muscle. He was told he may be sleepy or tired and to rest as much as possible. My husband was not sleepy or tired. He said he felt great and wanted to do as much as he could!! I had to remind him he had just had brain surgery and needed to slow down!! He had no pain anymore and his voice was stronger and his tremors were gone! It was a miracle for 2 weeks after surgery! Slowly the PD symptoms came back. We are 6 weeks past surgery and his pain in his chest from the battery is less but that is the worse pain of all the other incisions. It hurts when he tries to pick up something on the side of the battery in his chest. You will have to wait longer to be able to use that side normally. The head incisions do not hurt only when he touches them or tries to brush his hair. Get a very soft bristle brush for your hair. He is able to do normal activities otherwise when his PD symptoms allow this. A lot of this depends on your doctor too. I hope he is going to give you antibiotics before your surgery. It is put in your IV. That is sooo important to prevent infection. I hope your doctor will do it all at one time. It makes it sooo much eaiser. I was told some hospitals do not allow this.We think it is so they can get more money out of all this.
I hope this helps and if you have any more questions I hope we can help and answer them.Best wishes to you and may God bless you with a wonderful out come!!
Hello Chris,
I had DBS in June in Albuquerque. I spent 9 days as in patient in a Rehabilitation facility. After release, I did about 8 weeks of occupational, speech, and physical therapy 3 times per week. I graduy got most of my strength back. Follow the prescribed exercises. I go to an exercise class 3x a week. I started feeling getting all my strength about 4-5 months after surgery. I've reduced my meds and feel better during the day depending on activity. I still get rigidity but dysikensia has greatly reduced. On time is longer and off time not as severe. Surgery has definately improved quality of life.
I would suggest a pro-biotic. Check with your pharmacist. You do not need a prescription but they are kept refrigerated so you have to ask for them! I take Florigen 3. Build the bacteria to fight off the bad! We are so programmed that we need an antibiotic for everything. And antibiotics do play a very significant role in our health. I have no pain other than from my arthritis and after 6 years I am still glad I did the DBS and would do the other side in a minute! If needed. Listen to your doctor! Make a list of your questions so you can make arrangements for your children and proceed from there! We all are different and so are our surgeons and how they think and do their specialty! Always, check with them and if you're not satisfied, check with another doctor for a second opinion!

Thanks again.
I had one done in 2006 and 2008 then last friday had my battery changed. When i was working went back next week felt fine