Have offer in to buy flat on the first fl... - Cure Parkinson's
Have offer in to buy flat on the first floor ...;no trouble with stairs now but not sure for how long? What has been your experience?

I was diagnosed 7 years ago and was worried about stairs when we rented a 3 story apartment. I found I got fitter and more able to use the stairs. Every case is different but I enjoyed the challenge and it forced me to do more exercise.
Will be interested to see how others are affected.
Regards David
At this point I am glad I have stairs to climb, for extra exercise. I am blessed with a home that has bedrooms upstairs AND downstairs.
So, if/when I get to a point that I can't climb stairs I'll just move into a bedroom downstairs.
I was dxd in 2005 and live in a victorian terraced house with upstairs bedrooms (and bathroom) I find no problem with stairs - it's level ground with narrow bits (doorways) i have a problem with (at the moment , but i'm working on it !!)
good for you! keep it up! (:
i am having ot move to a ground lfloor apartment as where il ive on the 1st floor there is no lift and the stairs are great for exercie but not wheni fell down nbackwards and twice fwds!!
(a listednbuilding so no stair lifts or lif ts cn be installed)
so i woulld stick to a ground floor flat rosomehwere iwtjh a lift
i jhave PSP
Love jill
I live in a two story home,but I'm planning on moving. The main reason for the move is the stairs. I need help getting up and down the stairs. It can be dangerous when my husband is gone and I'm alone. It really depends on your physical condition. Blessings.
I am grateful to have a one story home. Last week I walked up 3 stairs and fell when I reached the landing. I skinned both knees, cut my hand, big goose egg on forehead because I tipped forward and bruised both sides of my nose where my glasses rest. Personally, I'd make the move if you are able.
I was pretty fit until I tore meniscus both knees, torn rotator cuff, and torn adductor in hip (not all at once) Now I'm wrestling my walker in and out of front door. I want an apartment building with NO stairs and automatically opening doors or a doorman (in my dreams!!!!) or a little ranch house (one story with no stairs (maybe to basement) . Making do
I'm 10 years diagnosed , now age 55, and bought a house 2 years ago that is 2nd story living. PD or not could fall on the stairs but i find I , too, have more problems with small. confined spaces. and it does help me be more fit. I can still hike and such.
All in all though, if you have any doubt, best to plan ahead for no or minimal stairs.
Thanks..keeping moving and positive is important ;;Im v lazy with my bad arm:hand..xx
We downsized from a tri-level home to a ranch two years ago. Have never regretted it. He gets his exercise walking around outside and going to basement when able but for the most part this has been much easier on him. We have a walk-in shower that was a blessing after his surgery and he could barely get around the house alone. Think of safety and possible future needs. You can always walk up and down the stairs for execise if you feel up to it but when
you are confined to the house because you cannot manage the stairs, you will regret not moving when you were able to.
Thanks..its first floor with a lift..good building, with concierge. By the sea, park and nesr toxn centre.