If you could turn back the clock to the d... - Cure Parkinson's
If you could turn back the clock to the day and time when your PD was first diagnosed, what would you do differently between then and now?

I would intensify my own investigations because my doctors do not do that even though I have asked many times.
Probably nothing except connect with this site more quickly. My husband found you I think only 18 months ago. The relief at having a firm dx was almost more than I could handle. I experienced more peace of mind rather than fear because for all the fumbling around the medical establishment did, when I was dx'd I was referred to a no-nonsense nero, who has walked me though every step of PD and is always there for me, as is my wonderful husband. I have made a few real friends on this site with whom I correspond directly. What more could one ask. Through all of you, I sort of know what to expect, but not when. So, I take your advice and just live one day at a time, being thankful for those especially great, non-painful days. And I keep my
Parkie family in my thoughts and prayers daily.
If I could turn back the clock, my wish would have been to be diagnosed earlier. There were so many strange symptoms for several years. In a sense, it was a relief to put a name to the problem!
This site has also been a great benefit for me, aswered so many questions and allowed me talk about symptoms and know that I am not alone!
ditto susie,took 3yrs to finally get the diagnosis,3yrs of guessing...went to mayo clinic...took 3 months.....also would have not waited almost 2 yrs to deceide to have dbs
hi susie
the diagnosis was good for me (PSP in my case) and a no -nonsense neurologist to explain it a bit and advise me on wha t to do
and to join the PSP ASSOC!!1[
\LOLL jill
In retrospect, my symptoms started in 2004. I was going through a horrific divorce and my S/S were seen as anxiety, etc, etc... It was not until I could not stand without falling and gross involuntary movements that it was diagnosed. I take Azilect which keeps my tremors at a minimum unless I am under a lot of stress.
The hardest part for me are the cognitive, balance and speech issues...
It was a while before I was correctly diagnosed so would probably have chased for a more realistic diagnosis. I would have continued Line Dancing, which I loved but lost confidence, though probably at a lower level. I would hope that I could be less aware of other people's reactions to my Parkinsons and had fought, as I fight now, but earlier on.
Also that I had found this community earlier.
I would NOT have taken Requip or Mirapex, NOT had that second colonoscopy until we figured out why I couldn't complete the first one, NOT had acupuncture, and taken MORE dance classes and gone to more meetings walking everywhere I could. That's just me.
I would drive slower. i got a ticket for speeding on the way to hospital ! i would also like to have sat down with someone whos had the PD experiance,and talk.
I wish I would have found this site sooner.....I've had PD for 7 years now, and just found this site a few months ago.....But "Better late than never!"
Great question, useful answers. I feel lucky to have found this site within a month after my Dx in January..