Do any of you take Azilect?: - Cure Parkinson's
Do any of you take Azilect?

Yes for 8 plus years. I'm still stage 1 so I give it some credit. No adverse reactions and no tyramine issues.I did have bad reaction to Requip. Expensive so glad for my insurance.
Yes, for 1 year so far. No side effects that I know of.
I take one mg every morning. I've been taking it at least five years. It is supposed to enhance the efficacy of the l-dopa/c-dopa and it works good for me. No side effects to speak of and if I miss a few days my symptoms are still slow to return.
Yes, I take one Azilect a day in the morning along with carbidopa-levodopa . then two more times the carbidopa-levodopa & 8mg. of Requip xl at night. I was told it is thought that the Azilect slows the progression of our disease. I believe it is doing that . I don't think I've had side effects from the Azilect.
Loika, Why do you take the Requip at night? I take exactly what you take but I take the Requip xl 8 mg and azilect at the same time which is 7am. Then sinemet 4x 25/100 @ 9am, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm.. Just wondering why your taking the Requip at night. Maybe I'll try it. How long have you had PD.
I tried for a short time. Gave me big dyskinesia. My sinemet usage is going up. Maybe I'll ask to try again.
I took Azilect from Sept 2006-sept 2007. I encountered vivid, violent dreams! I was also talking in my sleep and acting out some dreams. I changed meds and dreams went away. My current meds are Sinemet, Comtan, and Ropinorole CR.
I took it until i realized that was what was making me think about killing myself
Azilect has given me my life back in many ways. I have shared about this at length before on 14 October 2012, in case you have the energy and/or interest to look it up, We PWP's are all so different in our experiences, but the constant in each story is that we are better off when we share our strength.
yes I take Azilect with requip xl and it has been ok. Symptoms are no worse (only been taking since August though)
I was given it because i can only tolerate 6mg of Requip, any more gives me sparkly vision, ,hearing voices and sleep paralysis .
Requip is the only DA I can tolerate so Azilect is a life saver for me as I don't want to start on levadopa before i absolutely have to!!
The best thing for me though has been Amitriptyline 10mg for neck pain, that has cleared my fuzzy, head and dizziness and neck pain.
I've been on azilecr for about a year, in addition to 3mg requip x3 and amantadine fot leg/foot dystinia and some time I don't even feel like I have PD. It seems to smooth out my days tremendously.
Hi Drevy,
To answer your questions. I am unsure how long I've had PD.I had symtoms about five or six years ago, but wasn't diagnosed until about two to three years ago.Time flys by & you forget what happened when. I do remember what I was doing when I first noticed my first tremor.
I was browning meat for pasta sauce I was making for my daycare kids for lunch & my right hand started shaking really bad. One of my older daycare kids was watching me cook & noticed what was happening & took over the cooking that day, bless her heart. It scared her.
As for why I take my RequipXL at night , I started out taking it at night.I think it would make me to drousy during the day. That's how my neurologist prescribed that I take it.
As for the Tyramine foods someone mentioned concerning while on Azilect ,my neurologist said it is not an issue as it once was made out to be. However, I was told it's important that it's known you are on Azilect , for instance if you need major pain relief, something like Demoral could make your blood pressure skyrocket to dangerous levels. We need to be on top of things
so less mistakes are made.
While this is not all fun & games I try to roll with the punches as I always have. I thank the Lord for each new day & how I have had so many wonderful blessings in my life. This site is great. I enjoy all of you.
Hang in there everyone & may God Bless you all.
Hugs, Loika