I live in rural Silver Springs Nevada. I was wondering if there is anyone close? Carson City, Reno, Portola Ca, etc. Maybe we can start a little support group? I have Hemi - Parkinson's .
Anyone out here? Reno and Silver Springs ... - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone out here? Reno and Silver Springs area?
Gee, there don't seem to be very many Parkies in USA. I'm in Maine, so couldn't join a group. Good Luck
I do not have an accurate, up to date figure, but that which i found shortly after being i was diagnosed in '04 was that in the USA there are approximately 1 million PwP. If memory serves, at the time the general population was approx. 330 million.
Consequently the problem might not be lack of Parkies, but rather a lack of good directories to support groups.
Most directories I have found seem to be lists separated by an underlying organizations like the APDA, or the NPF, PDF, state organizaitons, etc. For example for Maine (mentioned above) I just spent a few minutes googling it and came up with 15 groups under Maine Health mainehealth.org/mh_body.cfm... and about 2 or 3 in the northern Nevada area at reno.va.gov/parkinsons/Park...
I have also had good luck by contacting groups in more major metropolitan areas in your state or geographic area and inquirnig about groups that might be on their resource list for your more rural area.
I hope this helps!
Steve (Bisbee, AZ)
PS: I would be remiss if i did not include this: I attended several meetings out of my area then came back and started managing a support group of our own for my small city (approx pop. of 5,000) Good luck! Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
I just moved from Carson City. The group there I was able to attend one time; and, it was very helpful and kind and gracious people. ~~~Dennis