Does anyone have problems traveling long ... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone have problems traveling long distances in a car with leg/feet discomfort? Have to take care of this?

I can only travel for about an hour then I get out and stretch and walk a little. I used to go for hours now it is minutes. Sometimes it helps to roll up a small towel and place it under your knees, to get a little relief.
Yeah, I can't ride for more than an hour either. Frequent stops and distractions help for me like a game of "Angry Birds", my favorite cd, or just some good conversation, And if all else fails a PRN of Xanax usually takes care of any problem I'm having!
I have the same problem. My right leg goes numb. I have almost continual pain from my stomach, not an upset stomach but one that is most intriqued.
My husband sometimes has that problem just sitting in a restaurant. The height and style of the seat makes a big difference for him. When traveling you need to stop frequently to get up and move around. He will lift his legs and stretch them before trying to get up.
yes!! and back pain too. I have a lumbar support which helps with the back pain but still have real problems travelling more than half an hour!!
Yes, I struggle with long car journeys, air travel, sitting in a restaurant for prolonged periods. Its actually stopping me from doing certain things. I get stiff, dystonia can set in, pain, an irresistible urge to move. Any solutions as I am due to get on a plane the end of October?
No I have same problem. It gets worse. I use wheelchair help to get thru airport, xanax, loose clothes so I can hug my knees and find something to distract me. Just taking city bus is an ordeal. Lidocaine patches help a little. Have a good trip!
At all most any time during driving both legs can become tense with pressure and they move spastically. It feels like my legs are doing isometrics uncontrollably. I must stop ASAP and walk around. I don't, and will not drive on th freeway because of this. I feel impaired and I certainly don't want to kill someone. I also have the problem of instant fatigue. I mst stop ASAP and rest.
Oh, yeah. We know this problem. Even the neuro is an hour away if there is traffic on the southern California freeways. Then we stop at a McDonalds and get OUT of the car and walk up to order a beverage. The change in pressure at the back of the knee like some posted about is critical. We have a foam strip cut from an egg crate mattress pad the hospital used. I covered it with a dark fabric sleeve and we put it under the knees. Helps on a wooden pew too.
We will have to try the roll under the knees. Thanks for the tip.