Does anyone have a problem with worsened ... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone have a problem with worsened symptoms in this cold weather?

I don't appreciate winter as much as I used to. I'm glad it hasn't snowed much this year, but The Farmers might think it's a drought.
I react severely to cold weather. Even a/c in restaurants.
I actually moved to change climates because I couldn't face winter.
funny - the last month or so, whenever I get cold, the tremors break through regardless of how effective the meds have been that day - haven't - at first I though I might be getting sick. it makes it tough to get effective workouts in on cold days tho we have not had many this winter. glad I'm not imagining it.
Yes, I always carry a sweater or jacket.
Blessed to live in Florida (even though it does get cold here. It is currently 51F (10C)...burrrrr.
Yes, meds wear off immediately in cold. Or don't kick in! BOoo .. I otherwise like winter. Pat
The cold definitely makes my muscles tighten up...especially in my neck. The heating pad helps.
es cierto, yo tengo tambien mucho mas rigido mis musculos con el frio.
yo tambien tengo buen resultado con la almohadilla caliente!!
Are your symptoms worse in winter.? Either i.m getting worse or imagining it but i seem to tire more easily and get more cramps...stiffer..
My husband cannot tolerate heat or cold. Both drain his energy. Luckily this winter has been very mild and we get out a bit more but on really cold days he stays indoors.
Interesting. I have the opposite problem - the hot weather makes mine worse. I live in NJ and the summers here can be brutal with the heat & humidity. I get those drenching sweats all the time anyway, so I feel much better in colder weather. When I was young (in my 20's) I loved summer but now (in my late 50s) I dream about retiring to Maine ! Go figure...
I find it impossible in summer without a hat and sunglasses and have to keep in the shade..blood pressure seems all over the place ..head swimmy if too hot or cold. Used to love the warm weather.. Now a temperate climate!
I have lost my tolerance for temperatures in either extreme. Hot weather aggravates my symptoms worse than cold though. Reminder to us all that being out in the sun is something we parkies all have to be careful with in regards to Melanoma. Studies have shown that PwP are more likely to develop M. and vice versa.
Wear your sunscreen, and UV safe sunglasses.
Best wishes,
Bisbee, AZ