has anyone ever went go mayo clinic for d... - Cure Parkinson's
has anyone ever went go mayo clinic for diagnosis and treatment

Yes ,in Jacksonville Florida and no help at all to me I was very dissappointed in the Mayo Clinic,
really? sorry to hear. im thinking about going to the one in mn.
I tried and ws put on a waiting list over a year ago and am still waiting and have called them (MN) and just told to wait!
I have gone and still go Mayo Jacksonville. For me, best experience I have had. They were the ones that figured out what was going on with me and have continued to help since. Some much so, my Movement Disorder Spec gave me his contact info and if I have any problems or questions at any time I can contact him and he responds same day. He also works with my primary care dr on my care plan and it has been a great so far.
I would say yes to going. They are one fabulous organization and I tell everyone that is having a undiagnosed problem to go see them if your insurance covers. They will find out what is wrong with you, you might not like the answer but they will find out the problem.
Understand what I say here, some people don't WANT to know what is wrong with them or they just cant handle the confirmation. But that is why you go see these people so that is what comes with it.
As far as appointment, took me 1 month to get in. Maybe I was lucky. Any questions contact me. I am also in a study with Mayo too.
do you have to make multiple trips to mayo or are they able to communicate thru phone and.or your dr.s for future care once they see you?
For me, one trip. Spent two days testing and bam your diagnosis, pay the lady at the door.
Now I have been back several times cause I am in a study but no big deal as only 3 hours on way for me. Some come from Europe. A lot!! Now after first visit he sent care plan to my doctor and they work together so no travel is needed unless big changes are notices that require his attention. I live in Orlando, no GOOD neuros or MDS here so I stick with him. And if they are at Mayo, they are outstanding. A little background, Mayo Drs are paid a salary. No drug rep crap or quota stuff. Just medicine and research. What a concept.
I have my MDS personal Mayo email address and if I need to contact him for anything I can. Now I don't ask for refills, the big stuff. And he always gets back same day. Beat that.
I am so happy for you, the neuro I saw said we were to call and speak directly to him ,well we called as told to and never a call from him.in fact I asked if he worked with my Parkinsons Dr. in Florida and was told no.I don't understand how they can treat people so differentlt!
I went to one in mn was very good. They told me my neu i had at home was doing a good job but they thought i was under medicated! Wish i would have had more time to go to therapy part. I was there for two weeks. Place i stayed was great. Was a very good experience
i wanted ot know what my health problem was and despite being told it is PSP and to get all my affair sin orde ri think i have the slow sort as i am still here
ready to party tonight (online) and am sitll standign
apart from when i am on the lfoor after fallign over
lol Jill