Has anyone tried Glutathione IV treatment? - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried Glutathione IV treatment?

Anyone out there?
i was diagnosed 12 years ago, i tried it in my 2nd year when symptoms were very mild. i did it at home. got my neuro to write RX's for the drug, syringes, tubing, etc. and bought everything from a compounding pharmacy. so wasn't at PERLMUTTER's clinic. anyway, didn't notice anything after about 14 infusions, every other day.
HAUSER at university of south florida did a clinical trial on IV GLUT, showed no benefit.
BASTYR INSTITUTE near seatle did a trial with inhaled glut, hasn't published any results.
my understanding is GLUT is broken down in the gut.
I have recently read some positive findings so maybe something has changed in the ten years since you tried it. Saw video of gentlemen with
Severe symptoms who got Glutathione IV and half hour later was normal.
Have you heard of the Helen Foundation.
To my knowlege there have been no conclusive studies showing any cure or even long term symptom relief for PD people. I have not tried it myselfbut a number of people in my support group have tried IV and oral to no avail either.
Thanks for the info I am scheduled for three treatments a week for four weeks in January and am keeping mt fingers crossed that it works
Where does one obtain the oral glutathione supplement?
I saw the Dr. Perlmutter video and it looked like the glutathione worked
Has anyone heard of the Helen Foundation? Founded by a scientist who helped people with
Crippling arthritis and some also had PD and they were helped as a byproduct of the
Hormone he used.
Yes, I've heard of The Helen Foundation. A doctor tried to help his wife who had arthritis and he found out it helped Parkinson's. It's referred to as microdose therapy. I talked with my doctor about it and he agreed to try it with me. It's located in a state that is far away from where I live and it's
expensive,so I haven't followed up on it. It sounds promising. Here's a link to it: helenfoundation.com/ Please let me know if you decide to try it. Blessings.
I went to Naples, Florida for glutathione treatments with Dr, Pulmutter about 12 years ago. It was given to me through an IV three days in a row. Truthfully, I didn't see any difference, but I know it has helped some people. I hope this helps.
I found some very in depth research on glutathione, it's pretty technical but goes in depth on its function and also how to raise its levels and function danielcampagnoli.com/redox-...
I tried glutathione IV but it didn't help me. I went to Dr.Robinson in Lakeland he is open to different therapies. Doesn't take any insurance but is vey reasonable.