As a caregiver it is so hard to see someone you love go thru this terrible ordeal but people say you must care for yourself also so you can care for your loved one. Today, I signed up with an agency for respite care so I can get out of the house at least every other week and I just feel so guilty because I feel like I have given in and the disease has also overtaken me. Monday, I needed to go to the bank. I left my husband waiting in the car, was only gone 2 mins. and went I got back outside he was gone. He had walked clear across the parking lot heading for who knows where. He's never ever done this before. That same afternoon, he just walked away from the house and I finally saw him walking back down our street hopefully headed for home. Yesterday, he was flagging down cars going by and stopping people and got extremely agitated when I tried getting him to go back inside. Today, he wanted to get lunch and go to the park. When I stopped to pick up chicken, he got upset and wanted to go back home. He's also talking about his mom and dad who have been gone for years. It's so hard watching these ups and downs. I don't know if it's the meds but can't get in to see specialist until Aug. 2nd. I am just so frustrated there is no cure or meds that can help people in this situation. Thanks for letting me vent - I just love this website - wishing you all the best!
My husband was diagnosed with PD 5 years ... - Cure Parkinson's
My husband was diagnosed with PD 5 years ago and PD related dementia about 1 year ago and recently I can see the rapid changes occurring.
I Have PD. I too have meds trouble occasionally - go see his GP or Parkinson's Nurse at the Hospital, either should have a good idea what is going on, or find out and can an adjustment to meds.
My sympathy. I realise what you are going through.
I do this type of respite care voluntary so to give relatives a bit of a break from looking after loved ones.
You must get very tired and upset, and feeling that need to have those few hours for yourself is so important and never feel guilty about it.
I know some people do.
Is there any voluntary groups in your area that would visit more often to supplement the agency care, just to give you a few more spare hours off.
I wish you all the very best.
My husband has PD and is in the early stages of PD dementia. He had a neuro-psych exam and his doctors started him on Exelon for his memory. It is helped tremendously. However, he still has times that he is really confused. I certainly understand your stress. It is so difficult for us caregivers. Hope you find the relief you need.
Please do not feel guilty you are doing a very stressful job 24hrs a day for someone you love and all that alone is so emotionally draining frustrating and tiring. You must look after yourself and have a break if you are to continue. Yes there are some medictaions which can help with the dementia again you have two diseases to tackle. Are you in UK there is help available from other agencies, help the aged, age concern, alzehiemers society. Ask at your local GP surgery for information. I am a professional nurse who works with people with dementia shortly to retire so I know what problems you have to facex take very much care of yourselves, hopefully things will improve for you soon. xxxx
My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago also. He started with dementia symptoms this year. When I spoke to his Movement Disorder Specialist, he was started on Aricept. This combined with his increased Zoloft has helped tremendously. Do have Adult Day Care in your area?
My husband was diagnosed 7 years ago with the dementia starting about 1 year ago. He has been on the Exelon Patch, Aricept, Seraquel with nothing helping so far. He is also on Celexa for his depression. Anxious to see what doctor does at next appt. I haven't checked out a Day Care but that's a good idea although he doesn't like me being away from him. My first in-home respite carer comes Wednesday so hopefully that will go well and he will enjoy having someone come in. Best to you and your husband and hope all all continues well with his meds.

Best wishes to you also. I hope some kind of combination helps him so it is a bit easier for you.
Questions and concerns you have may be helped through a Parkinsons Research site, the URL is:
I hope this helps you.....Good luck and God Bless!
Thank you so much for the referral site. I will check it out to see if it will help. I appreciate any information I can find trying to help my husband.