I went to the neurologists last week and he said he believes I have DRD, Dopamine-responsive dystonia , not pd. I am not sure if I should get a second opinion. My walking is very poor and my mouth grips tightly.. Does anyone have this or should I get a second opinion?
I got diagnoses with pd, about a year and... - Cure Parkinson's
I got diagnoses with pd, about a year and a half ago.

If you can I would I got three . I went to the Mayo for the third one !
My advice is try john coleman and howard lefke? Etc...naturpaths who have cured themselves. I am 6 years on and have avoided medication going to nutritionists, homeopaths, kinesiologists etc..if i followed all their advice I would be better!
The moment i was diagnosed i started developing symptoms. Neurologists i have seen always get things wrong and you end up feeling worse!
Gi gong yoga snd diet is the most important thing with a positive attitude that you are getting better. !
1 and a half litres a day of water..relaxation, meditation etc..Good luck!
Mayo Clinic is probably the best place to go for diagnosis of any type in the US. There is one in Minnesota and in Phoenix, Arizona. If your insurance covers it, have them examine you for a second opinion!
My neuro said I either have DRD or PD. I am scheduled to get a DatScan. This will determine
if I have PD. What I know of DRD is that it is a childhood disease. Progressive to a point and
then stops. Adult onset is basically unheard of. I had cataracts at 25 and that was unheard of
also. Do you have any other symptoms? Very hard for me to walk. Tip toes helps. Left leg
initally but now it is affecting my right as well. No tremors. Just difficulty walking.
It is very hard for me to walk also, afects left leg turns in ward and foot curls up, also it affects my hand and mouth, very painful.. I was having tremors until i went on the pd medicines..
Oh boy. Isn't there any pain meds they can give you that doesn't knock you out?
My left leg starting dragging a bit about 3 years ago. It is now much worse and has
moved to my right leg. Very scary. I am on sinement. This worked for awhile but
now I am not walking as well. Maybe my dosage needs to be increased.
I have never had tremors. That's good and bad.
I have done so much research on the internet that now I know a little more than I
care to know.
I have found a treatment that is going into phase 11 in 2013. So far, 2 stages of
clinical trials wew completed and results have been very positive, for safety and effect.
It is called ProSavin Oxford BioMedica is the research co. located in UK. Paris is
involved. They did have a company based in San Diego. Probably to help with
FDA prodedures etc. Closed it down to tighten the money. Google ProSavin.
You will be surprised. I am hopeful that this will be available soon. Maybe 5 years.
Meanwhile, PD research is really growing due to the increase in diagnosis. Too
much money spent for meds., care giving and hospital. That always gets attention.
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