Insomnia came with PD for me. Anyone find... - Cure Parkinson's

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Insomnia came with PD for me. Anyone find anything that helps?

DrDan profile image
22 Replies
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DrDan profile image
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22 Replies
drew410 profile image

I was prescribed Mirapexin (mirapex in US) generic pramipexole. Works just fine but was diagnosed rightly or wronly with Restless Leg Syndrome - do you have Jumpy legs causing insomnia? If so give above a chance. Have not seen insomnia question before - always RLS

DrDan profile image

Thank You Drew but I've had terrible side effects with Mirapex and Requip and I've been told by my Drs that I don't have RLS symptoms. I just can't get to sleep and stay asleep.

Casey profile image

I am going through insomnia right now that is the worst that I have ever experienced. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP which makes matters worse (to me)...but the one piece of advice that I have gotten that some times helps is routine...routine...routine....the whole after supper time to bed time trying to keep to much the same routine as possible...they say (I sure wish someone would 'fess up and let us all know who the ever knowledgeable THEY are)...that sleep is mind over mater and one should be comfortable and not fight sleep. My biggest problem is that I am not active during the day and am guilty of deep heavy cat naps through-out the day..when I feel like I have slept for 6 hrs and its only been 20 minutes..and ofte wake to be more tired than when I took the nap. I work on this everyday. Good luck to you and hopefully you will share here any info that you come pon...Casey in NH

maryalice profile image

I take 5-HTP and sleep through the night most of the time It has the same thing that turkey has in it that makes you sleepy. I know that you can not take it with some medications, so you better check with your doctor first. I wish you sweet dreams. If you want to know how I order it let me know and I'll give you the information Blessings.

MagicMax profile image

I use the liquid supplement Melatonin. It tastes great, and produces Seratonin in the brain as a side benefit.

PatV profile image

I take a small dose of clonopin plus valerian and melatonin with Sleepytime Extra. Sometimes I have to also take an ibuprofen because it's pain from dystonia in the ab that's keeping me awake. Eat crackers. Occasionally I need a benadryl.

PatV profile image
PatV in reply to PatV

p.s. sometimes it takes hours to get comfortable!

etterus profile image

I have been taking ambien-zolpidem for years. Started when 1st diagnosed 10 years ago with 5mg. Progressed over time to 10 mg. Now I take 5 mg 2-3 times a night when I need to pee. This gives me 8-9 hrs/night. I have seen 3-4 neuro's that have said it is better to sleep with this med than to not sleep even though it is addictive. Most of us are addictive to meds for the balance of our lives anyway.

NanCyclist profile image

I also have REM sleep behavior disorder, which REALLY keeps me awake as it causes me to violently act out my dreams. I take Clonazapam .5 mg, which has been a godsend. I sleep through the night and my husband is safe.

grammy004 profile image

I have had trouble sleeping since my PD kicked sucks not being able to sleep...the Dr gave me klonopin but only 1/2 a pill, so I took the whole one helped alittle but not Tues me and the Neuro are gonna have a talk, cause I want to sleep longer than 10 to 20 min. at a time!!!

Moderator_1 profile image


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Espo profile image

I tried Ambien, Luinesta, Xanax,and none of them worked. I'm now trying Temazepam, and it seems to help.

WayneP profile image

Brother Dan, here ya go!!! I got the same thing going on as you with this sleep problem. I was also seeing kittens swimming in the toilet at night which was kinda entertaining. So, my Dr put me on Seraquel (generic) to make the kittens go away, but more for the sleepy side effect of the med and guess what, it works. No cats and you sleep. You might want to ask your doc about it.


Melodysam1890 profile image
Melodysam1890 in reply to WayneP

I'm glad you mentioned the kittens! I "wake" to seeing frogs jumping across the bedroom, a puppy on the ceiling fan, etc. etc. etc. I realize they aren't real but they LOOK real ... I thought it was just me - makes a person feel a little better knowing we're not alone with these shenanigans!

WayneP profile image
WayneP in reply to Melodysam1890

Melody, yes I feel you!!! I was very hesitant to bring up the kittens to people or doctors not knowing what other symptoms I might be having, I.E. going CRAZY!!!! LOL!!! I was glad to here once I did talk about it that it is common. I also started seeing a rabbit in one corner of my bedroom which was funny too. The first time I saw the kittens I was like what the heck is going on. Like 6 of them swimming around in the bowl, cheeks all puffed out holding their breathe, coming up for air and going back down swimming down the hole and back up. Now that would have been a great Letterman Pet Trick Act if there ever was one!!! So, of course I am going to catch them, I mean cats can't do this kind of stuff and are going to drown!!!! So I reach for them and they start to disappear, that is when I realize I am seeing things. The Serequel has made all that stuff go away which was kinda entertaining, but it helps me sleep which really is a better trade off.

DrDan profile image
DrDan in reply to WayneP


Any side effects that you know of?

It seems the meds that work well to get me to sleep leave me with a hangover when I need to be getting ready for work.


WayneP profile image
WayneP in reply to DrDan

None that I have seen so far. All people are different but it would be worth a try.

DrDan profile image
DrDan in reply to WayneP


I have an appointment with Dr in a few weeks. I'm going to ask about Seraquel.

Joealt profile image

I wake up every morning around 4 am. Birds are waking up at that time. I'm told that this is the start of a "natural" day cycle. Try doing something that wears you out. Go for a walk. Read a book.

professor profile image

dan dan cant sleep, heres how to, my man

no one else will tell you this,,,,,you need a sleep machine

not a recording of the seas rollin in,,,a low frequency pulse generator

its quite expensive but sleep on demand, sleep machine may help you

you get a 30 trial money back if it does not help its not a conn

small n compact transmitter goes under matress ,hit the go button sleep

order on internet from bahamas, called sleep on demand sleep machine

email, me if yu need more info


marmaduke123 profile image

Hi at last people that don,t sleep at night. Two or three times a week I will not sleep throughout the entire night. My family are used to it now and just leave me to it. I spend the night pottering around, watching tv or on computer. The only thing I know is that I will sleep the following night. I don't even feel tired the next day...weird. The sanctity of night before i got pd has well dissapeared. i could only find " sleep disturbance" symptoms in all the literature it doesn't say anything about the inability to even want to sleep so I'm relieved to hear from others about their experiences..thankyou

scottyt profile image

I am known for my redundancy but once again I must say..Marijuana…Indica…you will sleep and its natural...

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