Does anyone drop things a lot?: I am having... - Cure Parkinson's

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Does anyone drop things a lot?

Sallyru1u profile image
23 Replies

I am having difficulties remembering words, is this a symptom ?

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Sallyru1u profile image
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23 Replies
JerriB profile image

I do too. Especially when my meds are wearing off or I have really done to much throughout the day without any resting periods. I have taken 3 neuropshycological tests and it has been determined my left brain has damage and my right brain has taken over. I have read in PD documetation that some patients have this symptom, but not all. I believe that most of the "brain, nerve, and muscle" illnesses have this similar symptom. I have a few friends who are MS patients, and my other and sister both had ALS. All of which such symptoms

gran5- profile image
gran5- in reply to JerriB

OMG... I have dropped, spilled, knocked over,broken more in one year than in the whole rest of my life! Think about ths I used to work with adolescents, those people who seem to get out of bed in the AM taller than when they went to sleep. For them nothing is as it was the day before. Chairs seem to fall over when they enter the room. Glasses dive out of their hands, (add the others as they occur to you). They need to get used to a different body, not yesterday's. For us it is similar, our bodies are different. They don't move the same, they are slower, they stumble ...whatever. I believe we are the late generation adolescents!! Great idea,don't you think? Consider how to get accustomed. When you do your body is likely to present a new change. Maybe you can share some experiences. We can laugh together. Embrace you second adolescence ;) Celebrate the smallest victory. It works. Gone for the moment , back to find some laughter.

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to gran5-

yees it is a great way of lookign at the wordl

lol JIlll

Sallyru1u profile image
Sallyru1u in reply to gran5-

Thanks so much. I am turning 75 in a few weeks, I will gladly embrace my second adolescence and celebrate!

Yes, often.

Court profile image

Join the club! My brain seems to have a mind of its own - stupid statement. I know exactly the word I want to use, but cannot remember it. Know what I was going to do, but cannot remember what. It only lasts momentarily, but is very frustrating.

I think it is just something we have to accept and learn to live with.

honeycombe3 profile image

Dropping things & poor short-term memory - because these are symptoms of aging they tend to get overlooked. I have experienced both to a greater extent than the norm & found them more distressing than most of the 'movement' aspects of PD. Disipal worked for me controling my motor symptoms but aggravated these 2 areas. I'm afraid we're back to the 'it works for me' trial & error process with PD drugs & treatments. It's good to know we're not alone.

ram927 profile image

similar experiences fumble fingers best explains it. have to concentrate on what I am doing can do but it takes time

gracrn profile image

I have similar problems. I drop things a lot. I also stumble for words. I find myself coming up with other words to finish my sentence. I feel so dumb at times. I know I am not by myself in this problem. I was recently diagnosed although I have known for many years this could be the eventual diagnosis. I have had tremors since the early 1990s and finally diagnosed on Dec.07,2011. I have some short term memory problems sometimes. The thing that perplexes me is I have almost normal days too. I worked at my church last Saturday erecting a large cross in the parking lot. I was hanging with the 30 year old men. I am by the way 62 years old and have had 4 major back surgeries on top of the PD. I didn't do as much as the others but I did much more than I thought I could ever accomplish again.

Please be Supportive of one another! We are all in the same Boat. :)


Sallyru1u profile image
Sallyru1u in reply to gracrn

Thanks to all of you, your support is great.

God Bless

PatrickW profile image

I drop things every day and it just pisses me off. I have pd primarily on my left side yet the hand that drops things is usually my right one?

PatrickW profile image

Yes and I also stumble on words. I feel like I come across as not very bright when this happens. I know what want to say but can't get it out.

PatV profile image

Yes to both! Usually I find it funny, unless I'm around my kids :(

maddiejo profile image

I am a senior citizen taking college courses on lline,. I do allright on the test except when they are timed. My mind doesn't always want to come up with an answer when I need it. It is very frustrating. I plan on taking painting and drawing on the campus next semister. I hought that way I won't have as many timed tests. I took some art classes 2 years ago and I had a lot of tremor going on and couldn't draw a straight line. My instructor understood what was happening and she said my crooked lines made my pictures uknique. This is my way of relaxing

L_Hay profile image

I never used be a one for dropping things but 15 plus years of Pd has turned me into a real 'klutz'.

My speech has really taken a dive over the last tweve months and I'm unable to string more than a few words together without changing to gobbeldy-gook and my jaw freezing up.

I used to be a very fast. efficient typist and always had knitting and sewing on the go. I can't do any of these now, inspite of numerous attempts. It's true what they say - Parkinson's doesn't kill you, it just takes your life away.

Sorry to sound so glum - Happy Easter everyone!

Owenbob profile image

Yes. Dropping things and knocking things over. Very maddening. I also have to watch when I put a cup or anything on a table. I sometimes don't get it on far enough.

But every pn have a great Easter.

grammy004 profile image

all the time it does get annoying but I guess it is all a part of PD hopefully it will not get worse!!

jillannf6 profile image

hi yes ia m forever droppping and breaking things

and knockign things over - usually drinks

i hav epsp and my coordinaiton is v poor nwo

so I have to ive with it but others fin d it hard

lol Jill

words are nto too bad (crosswords help) bUTmy speech is quieter adn more garbled and my typing is dyslexic"!!

gran5- profile image

Yes, again. My ego is giving me a really hard time. I used to give lectures like AIDS 101 to middle schoolers. Could not do that now. Stumbling, bumbling unable to access words. And those kids are ready to jump on anything, no mercy!

I was so impressed and envious when I went to a lecture and discussion with Ram Dass after he had a stroke. He sat there on the platform and when he had a problem, he sat quietly until whatever it was came to him. Oh! my. What I would give to be that patient and calm! That ego of mine beat up on me. You can use your own imagination to fill in the blanks.

have a great day. When people wish me a Happy Easter I respond with Happy Passover!


PatrickW profile image

I have both - dropping things every day a few times and forgetting what/where/who/why? I am tired of people saying 'oh yeah I have that too, we're just getting older"; it's not the same so don't patronize me! But I digress, sort. I drop things every day. Last year getting off my boat I lost my keys off of the dock, hands just wouldn't cooperate. It also makes it hard to type without mistakes, major ones.

Sallyru1u profile image
Sallyru1u in reply to PatrickW

Thanks, PatrickW for your input. Helps to know I am not alone.

gran5- profile image

What I experience is that I cannot find a word when I need it. I celebrate my fairly extensive vocab. and sense of humor.

EX Joyce says : I am going downtown but today I'm not driving. I'm taking the ... that large car that carries a lot of people and you pay when ... by this time some helpful friend supplies 'bus' . That's a little simple but you all get the idea?

camper profile image

Yes dropping things and picking them up. I give up sometimes in case I fall over!

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