interesting article in the New York Times today about a man with Parkinson’s who suddenly deteriorated and it was eventually found to be caused by the Bismuth containing meds he was taking.
”DiCenso was also struck by the high dose of Pepto-Bismol listed in his medications. She knew that the Bismol in the name indicated that the drug contained a metal called bismuth. It was the ingredient that helped to “coat” the stomach. Like Pepto-Bismol itself, the metal was considered safe, but could too much of it cause these kinds of neurological changes? She did a quick search on her computer. Almost immediately she found a report of a woman who, like her patient, developed rapidly progressive mental and physical problems after taking bismuth-containing products for more than a year. DiCenso thought solving problems was the best part of her 20-year career in nursing. Had she solved this one? She called the man’s wife, told her what she found and asked her how long her husband had been taking Pepto-Bismol. Four pills a day for the past eight months, the wife replied. And he never misses a dose of any of his medicines. Never…..”
“One common oddity in many of the reported cases was the rapid progression of symptoms after long periods of exposure — in this patient’s case, months; in other reported cases, years. According to Tomassoni, this is probably because of the accumulation of the metal in the body. It doesn’t reach the brain easily, but once it does, it can cause headaches, apathy and an unsteady gait, progressing to confusion, difficulty speaking and seizures as it builds up. Tomassoni suggested that they speed up the elimination of the metal from the body through a process called chelation. Patients are given a medication that binds to bismuth and is excreted in the urine. The medication is administered in pill form, so the man was discharged after a few days of supervision…..”