Have a blessed year ahead.
Yom Kippur ( sounds a lot like Christiani... - Cure Parkinson's
Yom Kippur ( sounds a lot like Christianity )

I feel that this post is wildly off-topic, inappropriate and probably offensive to some people. It would be offensive to Palestinians who visit the website. Yom Kippur? You can't be serious. Religion is of a deeply personal nature. What if people respond by posting you tube videos of The Dalai Lama, or Mormons or Atheism etc. I would hope that a moderator actually considers these things.

Sorry, just wanted to wish my Jewish friends a good Yom Kippur. The Biggest Day of their callander.

PDman... only the 'wildly' hypersensitive disciples of PC lunacy could find offense in a harmless gesture of goodwill. Take a chill pill and skip to the next post next time.

I'm Jewish, and I appreciate the thought. I would hope Mormons, Buddhists, Muslims, etc would appreciate the thought if the rest of us mentioned their special days too. I doubt any atheists would take offense. We all bring our whole lives along with us wherever we go.

Why mention Palestinians ?
Google Yom Kippur War. People outside your social circle and Gentiles or goy outside the US, are aware of a war that was called The Yom Kippur War.

That War was when
Egyptian Muslim armies and Syrian Muslim armies " observing "their Holy Month of Ramadan attacked Israel in a surprise attack on Yom Kippur in 1973 when the country was "closed down for the Holy Day "
Great loss of Israeli lives.. War went on for months

PDman, It does seem rather random to suddenly have religious holy days discussed doesnt it. And not forgetting the month of fasting for Muslim - Ramadan. In my work we had to involve the Mullah to reassure those fasting that they were still allowed to take their medication, very important for infectious conditions etc.
Religious comments seem commonplace to those in the US but are not generally acceptable or commonplace to those in most other countries. It is not a matter of belief but of what is considered appropriate. eg US Presidents regularly say God bless America at the end of a speech, but do other countries regularly bring religion into poitical speeches? I think not in democratic countries. Generally in Europe and in the antipodes it is not considered appropriate.
Except for you and me I think posters on this thread are from US. I dont know how aware people are about the different ways we communicate from country to country. A friend recently summed it up like this. In response to recovery from accident/illness
Australia - That was lucky
US - I am blessed / God is good
U K - I'm glad we've got good doctors in the NHS
Hikoi, thank you for your thoughtful response. It is just that posts about various religious holy days seem out of place in a forum about Parkinson's Disease. I may now take this opportunity to wish people Happy Diwali also. Your words about what is considered appropriate are appreciated. I will not be posting in this thread again for obvious reasons.

BTW a bit long winded and didn't say whether Parkies would do better having a 25 hour detox with no meds!
11-dentist, not clear. Who you are you referring to as being long winded.? If me...
Ramadan is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset in the Islamic calendar so my comment was not about Yom Kippur one day fast. (Those I worked with were on antibiotics for infectious diseases - public health implications if they stopped. ) However this thread began about only two of the three religions of the book so back to the topic. Regarding 25 hour no meds - Detox ideas for Parkinsons or drug holidays as they were called, from what I have read are not recommended and are potentially dangerous.
Thanks again for your input..
BTW. I felt much better and clearer in the head not having had either Azilect or Sinemet for the 25 hours I was without food or drink!
On Azilect 10 months and Sinemet 2 months
Never had tremor,do shuffle a bit.. face may be more expressive now on Sinemet but some nausea and periods of lethargy so one wonders do I need to take them?
I am still a sceptic
Hi 11 dentist,
I know what you mean about fuzzy head feelings. When people say but you look so well i think yes 20 plus pills day keeps me functioning and there is a price to pay with all those medications on board even if I look OK.
I think the danger with drug withdrawal depends on amount and length of time on the meds. Your type of pd sounds like the stiffness dominant variety which doesnt seem to respond quite as well to medication though a friend has good enough control (10 yrs on) with the long acting sinemet.
People with advanced Parkinson's disease who stop taking the often-prescribed drug combination of carbidopa and levodopa (Sinemet) may experience severe rigidity, fever, a change in consciousness, and even death. "In the 1980s, a drug holiday was thought to reduce the side effects of the medication by resetting the brain receptors. But the evidence does not show a difference in long-term improvement. We now know there can be severe complications from abruptly withdrawing.
I feel that drug holidays have no role in treating Parkinson's disease," says Dr. Albert Hung, a Parkinson's disease specialist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
It is sad that you were attacked for sharing this important holy holiday I bet at Christmas, many on this site will at least say Happy Holiday.
Yom Kippur is a 25 hour Holy (complete Fasting ) Day
most of the day spent at services ( e.g. 6 45 pm--9 45 pm and 9 am until 7 30 pm with one or two intervals)
This year from sunset Friday night to Sunset Saturday night
30 September 2017
Some take medication if advised .. some don't
Most other Jewish Holy Days involve family, friends and other guests for meals after Services .. each Holy Day has it's traditional not very slimming food. e.g New Year 🍯 honey on and in everything for a sweet new year!
It does! I'm going to learn more. I think I can improve on my Christian faith greatly if I learn more about the Jewish traditions and practices and their wonderful faith.
When I first saw a religious video was posted,
I was like Oh boy...someone's gonna catch hell for it bc this is not the platform
When I saw who posted it,
I was like Oh boy ...what wacky thing has he done now
As a Parkie , I visit this site for laughs & learning
As a human being I visit this site for connection...
We're all different that's what makes us special
As a Jew, I appreciate the "shout out"
It was a very meaningful message
( regardless of religion )
Peace to all
Be well
It is never my intention to stir up trouble but I had never been made aware of how Jews felt about the High Holy Day. It blew me away. I never even contemplated it being controversial. I have found that Parkies seem to have some level of Asperger's. I would throw A.D.D. in there also, I understand it is like having a Ferrari brain but with Volkswagen Bug brakes.
Hal..... keep stimulating us.... Shuffles 1
Where to place this?
I have been taught that there is no where in the Bible that God promises us {HAPPINESS}.
info bomb
If you enjoy Sukkot videos you may like film "Ushpizin".
Just noticed this post as I'm searching for advice on how to approach the Yom Kippur fast now that I take Madopar. I don't have time to watch the video, but wish to comment on PDman's post. I understand that if the video is just a Yom Kippur message with nothing relevant to PD, then I also don't understand why it is here on this site apart from wanting to send good wishes. But I do object to his remark that Palestinians might be offended! Why should they be? We should all respect each other's religions, and all the Jews and Muslims I know do so. There is no reason at all for a Palestinian to be offended unless it says something nasty about Palestinians - which I'm sure it doesn't. I find that suggestion offensive in itself!