Has anyone experienced a Parkinson's pati... - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyone experienced a Parkinson's patient who also suffers from dementia, i.e. language and cognition issues?

25 Replies
25 Replies

I'm headed in that directions. Have that problem at times.

So sorry to hear this. I've put together a picture book with food, family pics, places of interest, etc. to look at so to express what I want. Also trying coconut oil every day as I heard that may help the brain because of the ketones in it.

in reply to

I've been on coconut oil for 2 1/2 years...don't know if it helps because I don't know how fast/slow my thinking would have been without it. :)

in reply to

Just started with the coconut oil so don't know yet what it will do, if anything. It's worth trying at this point as nothing else is working. I'm sure if it were a miracle drug, we would hear more about it. Hang in there!

JerriB profile image

Hi Raven, I also suffer from all of these. I am a young onset PD patient and some of the first things I noticed besides my tremor was the cognitive issue. Sometimes I can't find things, sometimes I point left and say right, and more. Really Annnoying! Plus people who have known me do not understand why I talk like this, or can't find my words, or stop in the middle of my sentence just to remember what I was talking about. It get's really frustrating when they try to finish my sentence, or talk for me. This all happens if my medicine wears off or my day as been extremely taxing, or I have been upset. I am on Providigal which helps me trememdously. I take one of the morning and believe me we can really tell if I miss taking it. Hope this helps!

ronn profile image

Raven, JerriB describes the problem well, especiallly as to people's reaction to our halting speech. Then there is also the well meaning person who, with good intentions to include you in the conversation, asks you suddenly, " What do you think"? ----------Trying to put together an intelligent or even a rational answer, while the group waits, and then find the words to express it, is most frustrating.

Wish I had some sage advice for you, (had some but forgot what it was.)

Wishing you the best.

Joealt profile image

Some days I just feel stupid.

TaniaV profile image

I have been having the same issues.. not able to multi task, forgetting what I am talking about mid sentence and my speach is sooo horrible .. I sound like I am drunk with the slur speech. I went to the neuro today and she gave me a prescribtion for the cognative issue.. today will be the 1st day I will be on the patch it is called Exelon... so hopefully it will help me.. she stated if i had any damage already to my brain it would not repair but with this patch it will stop any further damage. I am also going to be going to see a speach therapist ..

Will post in a few weeks on whether or not this patch is helping me

in reply to TaniaV

Good luck with the Exelon and hope it helps you. Speech therapy has been somewhat helpful but still difficult to find right words and can get very depressing not being understood or understanding someone else.

FeeBee profile image
FeeBee in reply to TaniaV

My husband has just been prescribed Exelon and his having several side effects. Can we keep in touch please. Must go as he is having Excelon shakes at the moment.

in reply to FeeBee

Sorry to hear about the side effects and hope they go away quickly and the meds help him. My husband didn't experience any problems with side effects although I don't feel the patch is working for him as he continues to get worse. Dr. thinks he should continue on patch so we will see what happens.

FeeBee profile image
FeeBee in reply to

Oh dear, everything got so bad that Dr said to stop patches although he wanted to evaluate it for at least a week before we go to specialist. Friday morning he suddenly thought a TV programme was real and it was about scams, stealing money etc and apparently I was in with the baddies and he started to interrogate me and was getting very cross etc . He had one day when he kept walking round and round and couldn't settle and too much saliva dripping everywhere and nearly choking him. Patch off now and he has calmed down a lot. It'll be interesting to see what Specialist says on Monday 2/4. Never a dull moment!

TaniaV profile image

I hate talking on the phone I have to repeat myself like 500 x before anyone understands me .. thank goodness my boyfriend is learning to read lips now ha ha

wifeofparky profile image

My husband has this problem. He started on Arisept this week. His dementia was verified during phase one of his biomarker study participation. It is at the point where it is bothering him. Hope the drug stops it where it is and we can work on exercises to help him regain some of his memory.

NanCyclist profile image

Lewy body dementia is commonly associated with PD. It's tricky to tell the difference between normal forgetting that is a part of aging and that which is part of PD. After experiencing some real cognition issues in the first year of my diagnosis I began the Pedaling for Parkinson's program and within a month my physical symptoms nearly disappeared and most of my cognition issues disappeared as well. I note some problems myself but testing doesn't show any issues so far (four years into diagnosis). I was also able to cut my ReQuip XL dosage in half and eliminate Azilect from my pill pile after being in the cycling program.

Joealt profile image
Joealt in reply to NanCyclist

When I go to the gym and use the stationary bike for an hour I feel better.

in reply to Joealt

We used to go to the gym on a regular basis but now my husband has a difficult time walking that I now take him to Home Depot or Lowe's, etc. and walk him around holding onto a basket for support. This seems to help some.

Judy-10 profile image
Judy-10 in reply to NanCyclist

What is the Pedaling for Parkinson's Program? My dad has lewy body dementia, is 83, and wouldn't be able to ride a bike. Does the program work with stationary bikes?

NanCyclist profile image
NanCyclist in reply to Judy-10

PwPs need a doctor's permission to participate in PFP. The upper age is 75 and there should be no dementia. That said, the program calls for 3 hours on a bike each week. (Stationary is fine..) There is 10 minutes of warm up, 40 minutes riding at 80-90 rpm and 10 minutes cool down. The patient maintains 60-85% of maximum heart rate. I have improved in nearly all areas, reduced medications and slowed the progression. Best wishes.

Judy-10 profile image
Judy-10 in reply to NanCyclist

Thank you Nan. Did you find out about PFP from your doctor or is there a national organization to contact?

Potter1989 profile image

My Father (age 75) has had PD for about 7 years now. From what I have researched and know from my own experience of looking after my father. "Developmental dyspraxia" is something which is commonly associated with the disease (it is something entirely different to dimentia). Funnily enough I am dyspraxic myself. Memory loss, speech and co-ordination are all affected by this, and gradually over the years so far my Dads dyspraxic symptoms have worsened. These symptoms (which look like signs of dementia) I would say, and would like to think are very much different from having dementia itself.

in reply to Potter1989

Thanks for the info. I was told my husband has Progressive Non-Afluent Aphasia by one doctor and dementia by another so don't know what to believe but will definitely do some research on Dyspraxic symptoms. What meds does he take for the condition?

Potter1989 profile image
Potter1989 in reply to

I am afraid I am not sure what he is taking at the moment, tend to find that the doctors changes his medication every 6 months now he has had it for a long time. There is a new drug which he has been put on (wish I could remember the name to find out) which makes him feel a lot better than ones he was on previously. The problem with him is that because it is a new drug it is hard for his practice to get hold of it, so all the time he is running out. Did you find out a bit more about dyspraxia?

racerCP profile image

I have been using coconut oil for tremors and even though it's been only three or four days there is a significant improvement. I aim for 8 Tbs a day but mostly do about 4 because it's so filling. I hope this works and limits progress of PD here.

Pahang1945 profile image

Coconut oil seems to work for me in subtle ways. Been on it for about six months.i like it with my coffee first thing in the morning.

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