The Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's in partnership with Parkinson's Canada has published the Canadian edition of the book "Every Victory Counts". It is my understanding that they have published this book in associations with several national Parkinson's groups and are making it available in many languages around the world .
The price in Canada was $35.00 CDN but many copies were supplied by Parkinson's Canada to our local P.D. support group for free. This is the most important and best information source on every aspect of PD that I have ever found. It contains 304 full letter size pages written by 50 leading Parkinson's Physicians , Allied Health Professionals and people living with Parkinson's.
I was going to include the Table of Contents but it is 4 pages long with 16 chapters and many sub chapters on close to every subject.
I suggest that you check the website of your national PD foundation for how to obtain your country's edition and the Davis Phinney Foundation where you will find information also on how to obtain this book and additional information such as web lectures and resource information.
Having the actual book is much better because I found that you can quickly and easily go to specific information without reading the complete book " what does Davis Phinney say on that " although I will read it all eventually. As they say on the cover " Your go to Resource of essential information and inspiration for living well with Parkinson's "
Be happy
Happy is a state of mind , and you can be happy if you have a mind to, do it, do it, do it