Landmark fMRI Study Reveals 21.2% Boost in Brain Blood Flow in Parkinson’s Patient Following Six Months of Intranasal FGF-1
Zhittya Genesis Medicine Announces: - Cure Parkinson's
Zhittya Genesis Medicine Announces:

PDTom are you going to join this study?
This is a n=1 report?
Yep, and even worse it's one out of 200: "The featured patient is just one of more than 200 Parkinson’s sufferers enrolled in Zhittya’s extensive, ongoing study"
In fairness, they also claim: "on average, patients receiving intranasal FGF-1 therapy exhibited a 54% improvement in motor skills within six months of treatment". But, according to what standard, and why are they not using UPDRS?
Thanks for this encouraging article. Sounds great! What’s the catch?
I always wondered why this group did not go the usual route and get approval to do the typical clinical trials first with a small group of participants then going to level 2 and 3. I think they did do fundraising a few years back to do the trials so what is the hold up? Did it not make it through the FDA scrutiny? I know this research has been going on for several years already. Why do they off shore their research?
I want to trust and believe but I don't know why I am not able to...
I don't know. Maybe the recent research will be enough to have it trialed more but I think the treatment is relatively costly and would involve a good deal of travel which would also add to the cost so even if it does have some degree of promise would it be affordable. Personally I have to wonder just how many new possible treatments will be approved and covered by insurance especially in the US.
Hi. I am participating in the FGF-1 study. I went to the British Virgin Island last July. I takes 6 months to year for results. I continue treatments with a nasal spray at home. So far I have not noticed any improvement except my sense of smell is better. They are a dedicated group of people. By the zhitttya mean life in Ukraine