High dose vitamin B1 thiamine has been amazing at alleviating my muscle stiffness, but I'm increasingly finding that it wears off 25% by midnight and about 50% by the next morning when I wake up, at least until I take my first dose. How do you cope with this?
My question: Doesn't an extended release form of vitamin B1 exist? If so, that could alleviate my B1 "wearing off" problem.
My dose is 2500 MG HCL broken up into intervals throughout the day, but never after 5pm to avoid sleep disturbance. I also take sublingual B1 mononitrate 10 mg morning and 10mg early afternoon. Maybe I have outgrown my dose and need to increase it because my body is getting too used to it and the disease is progressing. Nobody takes as much as 8000 MG thiamine HCL per day, do they?