Our neurologist has prescribed Amantadine to help with PD
Does anyone out there have experience with this and possible side effects
We will be taking 100 mg tabs as well as liquid
Our neurologist has prescribed Amantadine to help with PD
Does anyone out there have experience with this and possible side effects
We will be taking 100 mg tabs as well as liquid
I take Amantadine 100 mg twice daily. It was the first medicine I was prescribed, even before C/L, and started with 4x daily. Never had side effects and helps with the stiffness. Never helped tremors, though.
I take 100mg once daily first thing in the morning; it was prescribed to help reduce dyskinesia from taking Sinimet. It is said to have an anti-parkinsonian effect. I think it helps (i notice the difference if I stop for a while) so I have continued with it. I am wary of increasing the dose or frequency as a known side effect is hallucinations, more likely with increased dosage.
Thanks for sharing your experience - my wife's neurologist is having her take 50 mg to start and see how that goes - I read that a side effect is dizziness - but I didn't see the hallucinations one
She tried NeuPro patch and Rytary - but she had bad side effects
She is now taking mucuna pruriens powder
We going to start tomorrow on Saturday
I take Nutrivita ldopa powder. Is that what she started?
Well - here is our experience with Amantadine yesterday after taking just 50 mg
Within 45 minutes, it was like she was "drunk" - couldn't stand or walk without help
The comments here about taking Amantadine are all over the map - good and bad
We are now going to try the liquid - but after all the posts - not sure
It was prescribed to help with movement - but what good if you are so dizzy
My wife has rigidity in her right arm and hand - difficult to grasp and let go - not dyskinesia
Regarding Levadopa
I started with the Nutrivita Idopa powder but have have switched to a combination
She has been taking ingredients below in a morning smoothie
(Other ingredients are added like B vitamins, L-Tyrosine)
Zandu Zandopa - 1/2 teaspoon
Active Ingredient: Standardized processed seed powder of Mucuna pruriens.
Zazzee Mucuna Pruriens - 1 cap
Active Ingredient: Mucuna pruriens seeds.
X Gold Phosphatidylserine + Bacopa Monnieri - 1/2 teaspoon
Active Ingredients: Phosphatidylserine and Bacopa Monnieri.
Potential Benefits of Combining These Supplements
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Phosphatidylserine and Bacopa Monnieri can improve memory, focus, and overall cognitive function.
Increased Dopamine Levels: Mucuna pruriens provides natural levodopa, which can help increase dopamine levels, beneficial for Parkinson's disease.
Neuroprotection: The combination of these supplements may offer neuroprotective benefits, helping to protect brain cells and improve communication among neurons
I tried amantadine pills briefly but found they made me overwhelmingly lethargic. I now take Opicapone, along with C/L, which is working for me so far.
Tell me about Opicapone. Does it help with tremors? What side effects have you noticed? Have you used it long? I need to supplement my c/l with something for tremor help.
Odd, isn't it? Opicapone gave me instant insomnia for 9 days with only three doses taken! Also gave me a urine infection (peeing blood, the whole nine yards - the first of my life at 58 years old!). My doc suggested amantadine, but the NHS in the UK is under so much strain I haven't heard anything further after two months...
I began taking Amantadine 100 mg, IR, once a day at night. Didn't help my tremoring. Made it worse. Also made my body rock back and forth the first few days. Does anyone take this first thing in the morning alone? If so, how long does it take to kick in and begin functioning? Also, do you have a good experience and how long do you last?
My Movement Disorder Neurologist cautioned me not to take Amantadine after noon as it would likely disrupt my sleep Since last August I take 1 100mg at 8 am with my C/L and one at noon with my next dose of c/l.. She prescribed to stop my freezing. and make it easier to move in bed and get out of bed by relieving my rigidity. Worked like charm first night and ever since..
We are starting amantadine today, but only 50 mg to start.
MDS prescribed it for my tremors. It didn't help at all with tremors. I had side effects such as dizziness and light headed. I stopped after a few weeks as it wasn't helping with my main symptoms that is tremors.
Swollen leg and skin cancer
I’ve been taking Amantadine for several yrs (100mg 3xday). Also take Rytary (36.25/145 ) 2 caps 4xday and Ropinerole 1 mg 1X day. A year ago as I was titrating down the Ropinerole from 6mg , a neurologist said that I could also decrease Amantadine at the same time. I reduced it to 100mg over the period of 2 weeks and had a dramatic increase in PD symptoms. I had not fallen for 5yrs and had 2 falls within a week.
I’ve had no hallucinations. Amantadine does help with morning dyskinesia not sure about other PD symptoms. I did have light headedness the first 2 yrs of taking it but for unknown reason that has stopped. At the same time also had profuse sweating which has also stopped.
my caution to you is to realize how dependent our brain becomes to these medications and how difficult it is to reduce or to stop taking them.
Reducing Ropinerole was on the advice of a Movement Specialist who has left the state. I will continue and after that try to reduce Amantadine again.
Yes - we are starting with 50 mg of amantadine - and we will see - and that is what I am concerned about - becoming dependent on these chemicals
A few years back, i was taking GoCovri until I went on Medicare and it was no longer covered. So my dr put me on Amantadine. My feet swelled up like balloons. I was told that this was a common side effect and I was taken off of it.
I have been taking Amantadine for 4 years 3 times a day with my carbidopa/ levodopa. It has been really good for me. Not sure I can live with out it. My neurologist told me to drink alot of water with it. It does take about 45 minutes for it to take affect. So, I try not to take it before going to bed. No dizziness, swelling, or lightheadedness.
i’m on it for the second time. I take 100 mg three times a day. The last time I was on it, I got bad side effects (mottling on my arms and, swelling in my feet), so I discontinued it. Now, I have bad dystonia in my leg, so we’re trying it again. It took a few months for the side effects to kick in last time so I figure that’ll give us enough time to figure out if it’s gonna help my dystonia. It has helped tremor, so I’m off Artane for now.
When I developed dyskinesia I was started on amantadine. Didn't like it at all, had side effects [don't remember which ones, maybe constipation?] worse than the dyskinesia. I ended up getting DBS surgery instead.
After about 45 minutes of taking it for the first time, my heart started racing along with pounding chest pain. It took me to the kitchen floor as I thought I was going to pass out. That was my first and last experience with Amantadine.
Yes I've been taking it for 4 years or so. The only side effect I have noticed is dry mouth. I take it for dyskinesia. I take one with my first dose of Rytary (carbidopa levodopa) and my third dose each day.
it stopped my head dyskinesia. I take 100mg with breakfast and lunch
Hello All,
I have also been prescribed Amantadine but never started due to fear of side effects.
My main issue is rigidity in shoulders and shins. When the shoulder tenses, the whole arm starts shaking uncontrollably.
Does Amantadine help with rigidity? Can it be taken together with C/L? Can it be taken on empty stomach?
Any help appreciated 🙏
Amantadine is used in Parkinson's Disease (PD) primarily for two purposes:
Reducing Dyskinesias: Dyskinesias are involuntary, erratic, and sometimes painful movements that can occur as a side effect of long-term use of levodopa, a common medication for PD. Amantadine helps to reduce these dyskinesias, making it easier for patients to manage their symptoms.
Improving Motor Symptoms: Amantadine can also help alleviate some of the motor symptoms of PD, such as tremors and stiffness. It works by increasing the release of dopamine in the brain and blocking the reuptake of dopamine, which helps to improve muscle control and reduce stiffness.
Regarding taking it with food - check out this website
My wife doesn't have dyskinesias but has rigidity - stiffness
My wife was prescribed both tablets (100 mg) and liquid - we tried the tablet - cutting it in half (50mg), but my wife's side effects were extreme dizziness.
No more tablets
I am now trying 1/2 teapsoon of liquid which is about 25 mg - and will start increasing
No side effects as of yet
From the fooddrinktalk website:"It increases the release of dopamine from surviving neurons and blocks the reuptake of dopamine,"
Isn't this action similar to diabetes drug Glimepiride?
Forcing the already exhausted cells to produce more Dopamine and die of further exhaustion in the process...
Hello-I take both Amantadine and C/L. I have to make sure to drink a lot of water with the amantadine. I have found that taking them with food is much better. Then the amantadine doesn't just sit in my stomach. I can take it on an empty stomach when I need to but find it goes through my digestive system better when I eat.