So what actually causes PD and does it actually matter or make a difference? So many articles most with big words I took a little time to frame it for me -welcome thoughts and clear many will disagree
What causes PD and why is it important? - Cure Parkinson's
What causes PD and why is it important?
Interesting and well written post, but I must disagree with what I believe your conclusion to be: "But practically, for the current PD patient, it means very little."
As we often say, PD is a common collection of symptoms likely triggered by a myriad of different causes. Even though successfully treating our condition is an insanely long, long shot, having some idea of what put a person in this situation might influence and improve our choices in protocols.
For instance, in my case I think ebv has something to do with me being here. As I review potential protocols I always look into whether the protocol could have an impact on ebv, such as stopping replication or lowering the titer.
In your case SARS-CoV-2 may have been a trigger? SARS-CoV-2 is not a retrovirus, it should all be out of your body within a year (AI makes me seem smart).
Or someone may find they have record high manganese levels. Manganese chelation may be worth considering.
Like I said before, whatever we try is the longest of long shots, and I would not spend any real money trying to find the trigger, but I would put some effort and introspection into trying to determine what got me here.
I totally agree with Bolt. In my case I believe the mercury in my amalgam fillings was the cause and having the fillings removed seems to have slowed progression and reversed some symptoms.
I was told by a dentist that it couldn't be the fillings because not everyone with amalgam fillings has PD. My answer to that is not everyone has my genes. I believe that while other people my have the ability to clear the mercury from their body my specific genes do not do this well. Therefore, I believe it can be a combination of toxins and genetics.
"In your case SARS-CoV-2 may have been a trigger? SARS-CoV-2 is not a retrovirus, it should all be out of your body within a year (AI makes me seem smart)." virus made in a lab with the specific goal of "gain of function" -I doubt everyone clears it in a year, but even if we did, the brain cells it may be killing don't come back to life, right?
sugars and carbs….
After 25 years of research and clinical experience, I can say with some confidence that Parkinson's and similar disorders are caused by Trauma/stress, toxins and stealth infections, with a minor influence by genetics.
The attached graph looks complex but can really be viewed simply by following each arrow.
I have written extensively on this so, if you are interested, take a peek at my blogs.
Interesting. So the question is… if you remove the toxins, stress, and infections can your stop progression?
If we discover our individual causes and reverse those, we can stop progression and reverse the illness process. That is what I did.
I repaired the damaged causes by years of trauma and stress, removed many toxins from my system, changed my lifestyle and beliefs, and was free from all symptoms about 3 years after diagnosis.
can you share links to your blogs here?
Sure. All my free blogs are here (there will be more this years) -
The single most dreadful question for me is “Hmm, I wonder what triggered it?”
For me? A defective gene, possibly coupled with years of laboratory work inhaling pretty toxic chemicals. But my daughter (who also carries the gene) already has restless legs and she's lived a pretty toxin-free life, so...
The point is, I think we don't know. The disease has been around a LONG time, way before fillings or chemicals or easy sugar. There could be a LOT of causes.
(I still think sugar is the devil, however. I don't touch it! :o)