When research is often built on previous research surely it's important to revisit/rereview this guys work and the paths it's lead others down.
When will the implications of thìs possib... - Cure Parkinson's
When will the implications of thìs possible research fraud be investigated and published
Wow... gonna be pretty steamed if the whole a-syn gambit turns out to have been a boondoggle, as I have seen minority voices claim here and there. Probably not the case but still, pretty unnerving. Reminds me of the turmeric guy a little while back.
I think the evidence that a-syn is a symptom rather than cause is pretty strong, if that is what you are referring to. Didn't the a-syn vaccine turn out to be ineffective at altering outcomes?
Don't hold your breath.
What's also fun is that research is also one of the pillar bases for which they also justify invasive brain surgery like DBS and FUS. Especially when it comes to estimating and communicating relative risks so that you can make a decent decision about it, since you can't just hit the reverse gear later and undo it, no do-overs. Oh and for some odd reason they don't offer refunds either. I always forget to wonder why? I mean, even a car you can take back at least for a little while.
in a publish or perish industry....
There needs to be much more light shed on this issue and the individuals and organizations involved including a detailed analysis of the subsequent research and papers that has cited the studies that included doctored images.
For example, some studies authored by Eliezer Masliah were funded by the Michael J. Fox organization. I'm not certain if this was research that included doctored images or other fraud, but I would sure like to know.