Hello, I'm new to this site and hoping to find new coping strategies and ideas from people who are also dealing with this disease. I was diagnosed with PD in 2023, with tremors on my dominant side (left), and perscribed (2)100/25mg levadopa/carbidopa , 3 to 4 times/day.
My PD has progressed rapidly since then, which is only 1.5 years. I'm now taking about 20 LD/day, a rotigotine patch 4mg/24hrs and .5 mg of rasagaline/day. I'm wishing apon my lucky star, that I will be put on a waiting list soon for DBS or a subcutaneous injectiion pump, but I'm not holding my breath. Our medical system here in Canada is in poor shape, with several years long waiting lists for DBS.
My main concern right now is how to keep up my protein intake, because my LD dosage is about 2hrs and 15mins apart. I am focusing on eating nutrient rich foods like liver sausage but I keep getting my LD blocked by the protein and then have to suffer for a couple hrs until the protien clears my small intestine. I am also drinking a lot of milk which doesn't seem to block as much as other proteins, especially plant based proteins.
I have an appointment with my neurologist in a couple of months, but until then any advice on diet would be greatly appriciated. I am also vert interested in hearing from anyone else how is experiencing a rapidly progressing PD like myself. This certainly isn't anything like the typical, slow progressing PD I was expecting. Thanks very much.