- As this is such a huge change for me and a brand new drug release so many people are considering I have written a follow up blog.
Produadopa / Vyalev - 2: ... - Cure Parkinson's
Produadopa / Vyalev - 2
i am so gad you re doing well
How long have you had PD?
Does it help with dyskinesia, tremor, balance, arm swing,.......
Thank you and keep us posted
Had for 4 and half years
My main symptoms were freezing, balance and shuffling. Choking and bad sleep. Rig HR hand side weak. Not seen a change to sleep but right side much stronger and waking and balance is amazing (stopped using a walking cane). Not yet choked or frozen since.
How quick is foslevodopa converted to dopamine in the body compared to levodopa?
Google AI says: "Foslevodopa is converted to dopamine in the body almost as quickly as levodopa because once administered, it is rapidly hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatases, essentially turning it directly into the active form, levodopa, which then gets converted to dopamine by the body's normal metabolic pathways; meaning the conversion speed is primarily limited by the conversion of levodopa to dopamine, not by an additional step from foslevodopa to levodopa."
I wish there was something that could be added that does not react with B6?
I assume Foscarbidopa is converted to Carbidopa as quickly. It is my understanding that Carbidopa does not cross the BBB.
Paths: Would be clearer if they boxed in the first and marked as quickly.
Hi Blazyb: thank you for sharing your experience. It’s great. May I ask what are the infusion rates you’re using, eg . Base rate, high rate, low rate. When you are doing exercise, have you given extra doses? If yes, by how much? Thanks again.
hi. Pleasure.
Base 0.39, high 0.41 and low 0.3
Used boost a couple of times
Exercise -
Run/walk every day (before Produadopa I was using Nordic sticks and walking slowly), yoga almost every day and gym with trainer twice a week
Happy to help
Thank you for your information. When do you use high rate, eg. one hour before exercise? Can high rate keep you at “on condition” all the time during exercise? Are you applying extra doses during exercise? What is the dosage for extra dose? Thank you in advance.
I haven’t really used the high rate just occasionally when I felt a little bit stressed although they’ve advised it to use it during exercise I haven’t needed so far. I think the boost is an extra 0.2