My PD has progressed slightly. I am not on any PD meds and am trying to get into a clinical trial. When I was diagnosed, I learned that constipation is a symptom. Lately the constipation has greatly worsened , along with irregular bowel movements. It has become the worse symptom I have. My FIT test was negative and I am scheduled for a colonoscopy. Can people share what has worked for them? It makes it so difficult to go about your daily life.
Constipation and irregular bowel movements - Cure Parkinson's
Constipation and irregular bowel movements

Probiotics.Dietary fibre.
I try to go little and often. I find it helps to lean forward when I 'm sitting on the toilet, bent double with my head between my knees.
Your pharmacist can give you pills which can provide temporary relief.
I hope you get to the bottom of the problem!
8 cup of water per day and dry plumes
we find having vegan meals with beans or chickpeas and no meat or dairy every second day. That seems to push things through.
Also doing plenty of walking and not sitting too much.
For me, diet is vital to keep my ever sluggish system going. Ginger tea on awakening, water kefir , then muesli with 6 Prunes and 2 figs. Plenty of fruit & veg. Keep well hydrated and exercise. Magnesium last thing.I probably eat as much fibre as a horse does, but it works!
Miralax every single night. My husband wasted a year being miserable. He tried all sorts of routines, diets, water, fiber, senna teas, etc. He was reluctant to use Miralax consistently because he wanted to "save " it for emergencies. When he finally started using it religiously, his system began to work consistently. A year now of relative ease!!!
Ground coffee helped me a lot with frequency and consistency. Also: figs, flax, chia, vegetables, lots of water.
For me inuline works , it's a prebiotic, it's the food for the good bacteria in our gut. You can buy on Amazon. I take 2 teaspoons per day, dissolved in water. Lately I have discovered another little trick. I bought a vibration plate to improve bone density and h
I happily discovered that works also in the colon motility increasing the output and its fun to use😉
Coffee in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a 1 or 2 tablespoons of MCT oil (C8/C10).
Start with the smaller dose of MCT oil as it can cause some gastric distress if you take too much too quickly.
I started to use MCT because it delivers Ketones to the brain - but also then discovered the secondary laxative benefit.
Hope this helps.
Agree with what you say. It is the worst symptom of all.
Like you I struggle daily with this. If there is an answer I haven't found it yet.
In addition to fiber, exercise, etc, that others have already mentioned, I have had good luck with a Squatty Potty.
True. It works. and doctor suggested. This is available in Amazon
Porto potties can help. Also, if you're at home, you might want to alternate between your efforts in the bathroom and drinking water. Sometimes dancing around and wiggling the stomach helps. Gradually eliminating the stool, realizing that in the next effort, you'll be able to go a little further can help.
It's the worst! Even Miralax wasn't working for me. If there is a colonic place near you, I highly suggest getting this treatment. First session was 45 minutes and I have more to go. After that, at colonist's suggestion, I have been taking 3-5 capsules of Mag-o7 before bed, which has given me daily relief. In terms of OTC laxatives, Colace works for me, just don't want to constantly use it. Also, I had been using psyllium powdered husk and I think it backed up on me causing blockage. It felt like I was constantly drinking water, but something went wrong.
I eat Fiber One cereal with raisins added for breakfast along with a glass of prune juice. This has helped tremendously. Also Miralax occasionally, and of course we're all supposed to drink alot of water and daily exercise.
I too struggle mightily with this. It's kind of been a lifetime struggle for me actually. But the last year has been a nightmare. A few days ago I tried a peppermint oil capsule, but didn't take it with my big meal, just at night out of desperation. It gave me seriously heartburn. The next day I was in so much pain and have nausea. But then the stomach cramps gave way to a full bowel movement. I would not like to go through that again, so not sure what I will do, but definitely differently. I have miralax here, but have been hesitant to use it. Maybe that is my next try. I'm vegan, exercise fairly regularly, and try to eat healthy, Maybe I just need to go on salads for a while ... oh the joys.
the usual fiber from psyllium and bran, drinking prune juice, etc. don't work very well. need lots of water, exercise daily, tummy massages (they have one for constipation that works well) and .....try suppositories and colonics from time to time. when a colonscopy is needed, take two days of fleet as you may be too stopped up for a good exam.
Thank you for all of the replies. I will try some of them, starting with more fruits and vegetables and prune juice. Nothing seems to work for everybody.
My husband uses miralax, stool softener, and Mag o7. The Mag o 7 works. I get it on Amazon. Be careful of too much fiber. It can slow things down for people that have motility issues like I do (I don’t have Parkinson’s). Reading everyone’s responses reminds me how important simple exercise and water is!!
my naturopathic doctor suggested magnesium oxide 500mg at bed time. It has worked quite well for me.
Coconut oil has worked wonders for me.
Approx. 6 x teaspoons over the course of the day (I take 1.5-2 spoons in my coffee).
Watch out for over-doing it, as it can lead to very loose bowel movements.
Hope this helps 🙏 ☺️