By popular request, well Amylindy, I am furthering my interest in poo as the way to fix Parkinsons with a thread about faecal transplants. My other post about the microbiome set out the case for the gut-brain axis being an exciting area of interest for potentially making a significant impact regarding defeating Parkinson's. One of the questions I asked was "can I change my PD microbiome for a normal healthy one"? Whilst I am interested in a diet and supplements route to this, a faecal transplant is the short cut route. At a cost of about 5000 euros plus accommodation costs I can get this at the Taymount clinic in the UK. They are circumspect with their claims for the treatment for PD, although they claim it has been useful for neurological disorders. What experience does anyone have of this new treatment option?
Microbiome and faecal transplants - Cure Parkinson's
Microbiome and faecal transplants

I am reminded of a story. A guy gets on a plane for a business class long haul flight, and realises he is seated next to a beautiful blond reading science weekly. As he takes his seat next to her he says"it's a long flight. Would you like to talk a bit? Maybe Einsteins theory of relativity"
"maybe" she says. "but first tell me. You know rabbits eat grass, and their poo is firm little pellets, and cows eat grass, and their poo is big flat round pats, and horses eat grass and their poo is big firm clumps. Why is that?"
"I've no idea" he replies
"so." she says. "you don't know shit, yet you want to talk Einsteins theory of relativity. I don't think so"
I’m really interested to see what you find out.
This might interest you. I have written to the uni and asked if their poo caps are for sale but I am not holding my breath for an answer!
That sounds really interesting. I will follow up with my research neurologist when I see her, and enquire at Taymount, who have the screening facility.
Qualified human guinea pigs can get their 'poo caps' for FREE (you may need to fly to Texas though):
Awesome. I have no issue flying to Texas, but equally no hurry to be personally the front of the queue. This is precisely the sort of trial I was looking for, and I anticipate there will be more. It is "the hot topic", and in the big picture it doesnt need much funding to rapidly determine whether this is beneficial, practical and safe . Regarding safety, it is almost a repurposed drug - the clinical safety and FDA approval already exists for Clostridium difficile treatment. Meantime, whilst poo pills are a step forward in reducing the cost of FMT, the logical progression is to identify the key bacterial strains in good poo, and develop PD specific probiotics. Looking good though
Still awaiting my post-renovation results but I'll include below a preview by the Viome CMO of what one can expect from their current toolbox.
I see Viome's services as a big step above the usual blood/urine panels typically relied upon to monitor our various biological malfunctions. I feel the biggest advantage here is that, unlike these more typical means for testing where you're left afterwards to guess at possible solutions, Viome's DNA/RNA analysis is followed by recommendations (based on the beneficial vs toxic metabolites indicated) by which to monitor and tweek on an ongoing basis - a sort of DIY bio-hack until the ultimate 'poo pill' arrives.
I've been curious about Viome since M. Murray started promoting it. Their testing sounds very impressive, just wish they would spell "trehalose" correctly in their video - when I notice a misspelled word in promotional ads it always makes me question company's competence, and I am not a linguist by any means.
Hope you'll have good experience with them and would love to hear about your results.
Very Interesting......are here some people who have been in the Taymount Clinic for Parkinson ?
I would like them to ask several questions !
There is not much on the net concerning that and Parkinson ...?!.... or am I wrong ???
I am hoping that someone with PD and experience of the Taymount will be able to share with us. I am not aware of anyone yet. I am hoping that they will develop a poo pill service too. If trials in Texas and new Zealand are successful then I would anticipate this rolling out quickly. The challenge will be screening sufficient volumes. And finding the donors.
Hey, I have been contacting clinics now to ascertain feasibility of getting my mum in and have seen the Taymount clinic. she was diagnosed with PD last July. I will be pushing her to try... but in the meantime I'm inclined to try her on the Symprove 12 week program... Bit cheaper, and apparently very very good. I shall keep you posted