Have early onset PD, looking for natural ... - Cure Parkinson's
Have early onset PD, looking for natural supplements to live with this

Hi Gustavuks, have you read about the vitamin B1 (thiamine) therapy? Do a search in the forum, it's really interesting!
Try PBM and MB , LCHF diet , 18/6 fasting , High dose VitC and VitD , MCT oils , Vit B , sauna and ice baths , cut out all sugars , alcohol , processed foods and Vegetable oils . Excercise till you drop .
hi sorry don’t know the acronyms can you tell me what the letters stand for - always on lookout for my partner with PD for advice thanks
You have to do your own research . I only point you to a number of options . Without convincing yourself which options you prefer and in which sequence , can you educate yourself . I am helping other people with their search and they all do their homework first . ( PMB stands for PhotoBioModulation , MB stands for Methylene Blue 🤭)
vigorous exercise only known way to delay progression. You may want to investigate HDT B1 Facebook. Daphne’s book is a must and FB group has guidelines
Exercise is certainly useful, but there are many ways to slow and/or stop progression by identifying the causes of YOUR symptoms and reversing those.
Not so easy. Myriads of causes and few identifiable solutions to go with them
Not really. The causes will be trauma or long-term stress, toxins and/or stealth infections.
All can be identified and, over time, resolved.
Do you include gene mutations in how that would work ?
You will find information about the causes and recovery strategies for all ages and types of PD here -
I also recommend consideration of cinnamon
Have you identified potential cause? For me having my amalgam filling removed has seemed to halt progression and reversed some symptoms. I also take some supplements - probiotics for gut health, taurine for leg cramps, turmeric to keep inflammation low.
Dr Laurie Mischley is a naturopathic doctor who has been researching Parkinson's for many years. Her research asks, "What are the people who are 15-20 or more years into PD and are doing well doing in terms diet, exercise, supplements, meds and other lifestyle factors? Let's do what they are doing. Her MVP study has been gathering data from patients for 10 years and it's brilliant.
You can see her most recent talk on her research here. (Not sure why this video is starting at 41 minutes, but be sure to start it at the beginning.)
She also has a video series called PD School which covers every topic in detail, including supplements here:
Dr Janice Hadlock has a recovery program, complex to understand but very hopeful, no drugs
If you have't started drugs, look at her book "stuck on pause" free download
Not the only way, but ONE possible way...