I was just wondering if anyone have their arm start to swing again after taking levodopa. My left arm does not swing freely when walking. Left leg also does not move well either.
Arm swinging and levodopa : I was just... - Cure Parkinson's
Arm swinging and levodopa

I suppose that this is a Parkinson's response that varies from person to person. For me, arm swing is something that levodopa gives me a good response.
I regained my arm swing by walking and practicing swinging my arms.
I am a B1 believer...
I was curious what dose of B1 you are taking. I realize an effective dose can vary from person to person. But thinking about upping my daily dose. I’m kinda taking a combination of B vitamins.
I am currently on a B1 break. My dose was 900mg B1 hcl oral. In my opinion you need to follow a protocol and find your sweet-spot. I suggest Dap1948 's book and Facebook group. facebook.com/groups/parkins...
In my opinion you won't gain full benefits of B1 without finding your sweet-spot.
There's links to book on Facebook
In my case, all of my motor symptoms other than tremor disappeared when I took levidopa (including arm swinging issues). Later, when I reduced my dosage to control dyskinesia, the motor symptoms began to return.
Thank you for your responses. I was diagnosed last fall and still trying to make sense of it and accept this.
It takes time to accept and adjust your life to pd dx. Grieve …it helps. But don’t stay there. Hope you learn from our journeys.
I had a difficult time accepting my dx 2.5 years ago as well & still don’t tell anyone except family & close friends. The 1st year was a struggle but then I met a person with PD & when she found the HDT info she shared it with me. The B1 has helped me big time mentally, I’m still working on my sweet spot & have not started any other pd medications. One hand still has a tremor when I walk. I don’t know if it will go away & was thinking I might have to start on medication. Not sure what to do yet.
I take levodopa 450 mg daily (4 doses).
I found if i concentrate when walking and "force" (intense concentration) my arm to swing it will.
I'm now finding as I start to notice things not working as they use to, I start practising same.
An example. Touch typing was becoming erratic. I began practising and over the past 3 weeks I have improved.
Arm swing becomes 100% normal (as good as no pd) with levodopa in my case
my reduced arm swing improved with a combo of L-dopa and physio and cognitive control/focus on arm swing - cognitive control is a great concept
C/L alone helps but does not restore left side weakness. I have integrated left side strengthening exercises and conscious walking so that I can walk publically without drawing stares (my arm swings and left foot doesn't drag on the ground) and I have better balance than if I walk carelessly. I feel the awkwardness and limb "heaviness" but family tells me it isn't noticeable (unless you know my DX.)
Yes. After I started levadopa my arm swung like normal
Yes during On periods.
Like others have mentioned if you practise , its very likely to come back (especially if all or most symptoms improve)
In my case handwriting returned to normal within 3 months with no effort (occasionally gets smaller if in low /off phase)
Arm swing was affected by severe shoulder capsulitis (as a part of my disease I get recurrent tendon inflamation all over) so it is a bit sticky although I have regained my shoulder strength and can carry heavy backpacks). Arm swing also affected by old ingrained habits like carrying a bag/ briefcase in a certain way.
My balance recovered 80% on its own with L dopa within 6 months but in year 7 post medication it is almost normal (I am nearly 63) after some regular low grade challenges (Standing on one leg in moving trains etc). I can now climb up on a stool without using my hands to support me).
My autonomic dysfunction (profuse unprovoked sweating has improved dramatically 7 years post diagnosis) but I have also learnt to breathe better. Not shallow and rapid.
My sense of smell has slightly restored recently.
But my flitting dystonia is getting very painful and distressing. Probably affected by the hip joint capsulitis that is affecting me over the last 7-8 months.
But through all this my L dopa requirements have stayed within 300mg per day for the last 4 years. I self adjust dosing (needs a bit of understanding and consistent evaluation toget it right) to avoid a strong early dyskinesia.