Is anyone using CBD gummies'
CBD gummies' : Is anyone using CBD gummies' - Cure Parkinson's
CBD gummies'
i have tried them but apart from making me sleepy I cannot discern any effect - the same goes for THC
My husband has been taking a tiny bit of edible relaxing cannabis cookies each time he takes his medication. He' s been doing this for years, It has helped him tremendously for being calm. As a result, less tremor. He tried to stay off for a one week, it was aweful, the tremor was getting worse.
I've started takng a CBD/Thc gummy for sleep and hip pain. It helps.
Last night I took one. I have a really bad back problem and when I woke up in the middle of the night for my bathroom trip, I was staggering from the THC and i hurt my hip further. I like the way it makes me sleep. I took a 50 mg. CBD/2mHCg THC. Can you please tell me what strength you take. I'm thinking of halving it.
I take 10mg before bed. Just enough to help me fall asleep, but not so much that it makes me lightheaded during my nightly pit stops.
I just got gummies that have 25 mg of cbd and 2.5 mg of thc. Have not tried them yet. But CBD moreso than THC has been helping me with both tremor and calm, and pain. Will happily come back and report on how the gummies go. More THC does not seem to help me, just gets me a bit high. ANd I can plainly tell that the effects of the CBD are more helpful than THC. Also these gummies have CBA and PEA!!
Here is the website where I got them.
I searched the site for CBA and PEA, but no luck. What is the name of your gummies?
Thank you. I will check this site to see how the product compares to what I buy from Lazerus Naturals. Lazerous gives 40 percent off on gummies to the disabled or low income. I took less than a half of one last night. That seemed to work a lot better. I didn't get staggery. I honestly don't know if I need THC at all. I'm taking some to Texas with me in a few weeks because my boyfriend can't get any THC at all sent there and wants to try it, I think you are right about CBD being the part that helps with pain.
I have the gummies I'm taking to Texas disguised in an empty bottle that doesn't have THC on the label. ( I feel quite proud of myself unless a drug detecting dog gets my suitcase inspected.LOL) I'm 82 years old and still adventurous.
Pleae do let me know more about your new CBD/THC gummies! I understand that the THC is the calming part.