What is the best most trusted CBD oil company I should use
CBD : What is the best most trusted CBD oil... - Cure Parkinson's
I use and like Sunsoil CBD oil. Organic and third party tested. sunsoil.com
I like CBDmd
I am involved in a 6 week cannabis trial. It is double blind so at this point I am unsure of whether the dose is only cbd, cbd+ thc, or thc only. I will post my findings at the end once they release the data to me
Is this trial related to PD? Where does it take place? Thanks.
Yes, it is specifically for PD pain and rigidity. It is at the Toronto Western Movement disorders clinic in Toronto
I am also very interested in evaluating the use of Cannabis. Can I ask you how did you come to mature you decision?
My movement disorder specialist and her team is in the second phase of the trial. I applied and got selected to be part of it. Where do you live?
I live a little distant, in Tuscany, Italy. About Cannabis my fear is the "hallucinogenic" effects it might induce. I am very ignorant on the subject and surely you will have received all the necessary insurance from your doctor. Cordial greetings.
I too fear that, but so far I do not have any symptoms like that
Missy, any update for us?
I am still waiting for the study to finish for everyone else. I wont find out until then. I can tell you after lengthy conversations with Aurora auroramedical.com that they firmly believe I was taking 20:1 (CBD to THC) based on the titration from .1ml to .8 where I was having negative side effects. I titrated down to .6ml and that is where I stayed for the rest of the study. Although they took away the oil at that appt and followed me for an additional week and after 3-4 days off the oil, my symptoms returned. I can only speak for my journey, but that week couldn't end fast enough because I got a prescription and started on the oil again on my own and feel a real benefit. I have discontinued my nightly regime of melatonin for now since the cannabis helps me greatly with sleep. Hope that helps Jay
What country and state/province are you in?
Toronto canada
Excellent supplier is Cannimed - you will need a "referral" from your MD. Cannimed has excellent selection, delivery and support. I use their oil product (10:10) which is 9mg/ml. Their packaging is also well thought out. I am in the same region as you are.
I like Care by Design products. Karen