I just stumbled on this and know nothing about it.... Just sharing.
"Healing From Parkinson's? See How this C... - Cure Parkinson's
"Healing From Parkinson's? See How this Client Completely Transformed Her Life!". Via HOPE therapy

From the YouTube listing:
This client has received 16 sessions of HOPE therapy from Lilian Sjøberg. hopeshortcut.com
This video is made to tell you that it is possible to become a lot better, simply by addressing all types of stress in your life. From current stress from friends and families but also old stressors from childhood, relationships, and job.
By being very nerdy with that you slowly become better.
Right now the world has a belief that mind and body are separated. But if you resolve this myth a lot of doors open. Forget everything you have learned about which diseases are curable and which are not and start to reduce stress.
It might take a long time, but it is a lot better to get smaller symptoms less often than the opposite.
From Lilian Sjøberg:
I help you to:
¤ Relieve your mental and physical pain and suffering;
¤ Move forward from the places where you are stuck in life;
¤ Understand the role of chronic stress on your symptoms – and what to do about this;
¤ Identify the patterns of your life which may be contributing;
¤ Reframing your thinking about your “disease”;
¤ Providing you the self-care tools with which you can help yourself;
¤ Providing a clear road map to recovery, which currently includes:
1: The Biological Stress Test (now online) to evaluate your major stress type/coping styles
Info here: hopeshortcut.com/stress-test-...
2: The six-week HOPE-shortcut Online Course to provide the knowledge and tools you need
Hi PB! It sounds like you’ve tried this method. Did it help you any? 🥊 I know everyone’s different!
No, I have not tried working with this person nor have I tried any organized method of de-tressing. The external stresses in my life are pretty low, and I do what I can to avoid creating stress arising from my state of mind. So I'm wondering if this person would have anything to offer for me personally. I am impressed by the video testimonials.
It seems similar to the Mickel therapy sessions that my friend has with me. It's a form of mind/body therapy and I believe it has helped immensely. By that I mean that I've slowed my initial rapidly developing symptoms, and greatly reduced migraines. It seems to work along with the sacro cranial osteopathy too. I'm still learning to apply it, but I can clearly see the power of mind / body medicine. The idea of Mickel is that emotions are a signal to the body that in modern society we are taught to suppress, resulting in physical symptoms. I find it fascinating and liberating.
Thanks for sharing!
Can stress trigger Parkinson's disease?
JayPwP could you please create a separate post with this question as the title? Although it is an older article, the content is particularly interesting. It aligns with findings I recently shared in some replies. I am curious about possible other experiences, and it seems to get lost in this thread. 🙏