I'm tired of life
It's so damned hard.
It wears me down,
It wipes me out.
Trying to be
upbeat and happy,
while dealing with
the demons of illness
that invade my body
is all consuming.
Those people around me
who expect me
to smile
and be STRONG,
simply can't
and won't
deal with what
my life
is truly like.
Listen to me.
Just stop and listen.
I do not really want
to go out to lunch.
Crowds terrify me,
people are rude,
and food is just
not all that appealing.
Oh! No! Please
don't start the
Pep talk!
"How good I look",
or "How lucky I am"
or have I heard
about so and sos
Mom/Aunt, Stage 4
blah, blah, blah!
I don't look good.
How can I,
I never sleep.
I don't feel lucky,
or blessed, or special,
I just feel sick!
And as much as I
sympathise with so and sos
sick relative, I really
don't want to hear
about another illness
killing someone.
Death is death,
no matter who it is.
It is not a good topic
of conversation.
Just listen.
Just stop and listen.
Do not buy me
any more gifts.
Please no more
good luck charms,
or health beads,
or book on surviving
terrible, illnesses.
My shelves are full.
Why not come and
do my laundry,
make my bed,
mop the floors,
or plant some flowers.
Just don't cook me
another seaweed lasagna
or some special
health drink made from
some magical fruit
from the rain forest
in the Amazon.
I don't want it!
Bring me a bag
of chocolate peanut
butter cups instead!
Just listen!
Just stop and listen.
Do not keep telling
my boyfriend,
"how lucky he is to have me".
Really? Lucky?
I'm just glad
he's still around.
He would have been
lucky had he met me
10 years ago.
Now, he just gets
a small piece of
the me I use to be.
The reality is
I speak to the
Dr's receptionist
and nurses more
during the month
than I do my
own family!
Hell! They are family!
Reality is
when I walk into
the pharmacy it's like
walking into the bar
everybody knows my name.
Reality is,
a bad hair day, or
a slight weight gain
are no big deal.
Blood pressure and
kidney function are
more a priority
these days.
Just stop and listen.
If today
you find me
grouchy, depressed,
tearful and rude,
don't take it
Just take a rain check
and come back again
some other day.
Listen to me.
Just stop and listen.