I came across an enlightening YouTube video featuring Dr. Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein -------------paste [https:] then add [//youtu.be/k703Shlgkhw?si=iuLPYvtohxJ-Q3pQ] ---------------, prompting me to discontinue my use of LD medication.
Note - the modarator has a heavy french accent - you can fast forward to Dr.Sachners presentation.
I ceased taking Sinemet on November 15th, previously consuming 2 pills every six hours. Approximately six weeks before stopping, I had switched to the branded Sinemet due to issues with the generic version. I experienced severe right-sided mouth pain akin to TMJ (rated at 12 on a 10 scale) and facial swelling. It was revealed that the generic medication was ineffective due to my adverse reactions to the binders used.
Since discontinuing the medication, my down times are less severe than when I was on the drug. Additionally, a high B1 TTFD form of Thiamine regiment for the past six months , and has significantly alleviated my fatigue issues. I've crafted a program that suits me well.
In terms of Parkinson's therapies, be it drugs or devices, the focus within the "PD industry" is on augmenting dopamine or its effects. However, excess dopamine appears to induce toxicity, leading to neuron dysfunction and death, exacerbating the disease. Interestingly, dopamine levels inside neurons are already elevated in people with PD. Dr. Sackner-Bernstein proposes repurposing and testing a dopamine-reducing therapy in Phase 2 trials, having completed the pre-IND process. This drug, tested in three standard preclinical models, reversed pathology in all three.
While challenging established approaches in Parkinson's therapy may face resistance, the data speak for themselves. I'm am exploring the possibility of initiating a grassroots crowdfunding campaign to support Dr. Sackner-Bernstein's research. With the aim of collecting $1 to $10 donations, we're targeting $250,000 to encourage people to test the viability of his theory. Parkinson's affects many, and I believe this initiative could make a significant impact.