i have been having trouble in my right eye. this is not floaters. it is like when you stare at a light too long and when you look away a light surrounding where you were staring at then stays your eye for a few seconds. this is only occurring in my right eye and i am having to cover ttat eye n order to watch tv or read. any help would be appreciated
eyesight in right eye: i have been having... - Cure Parkinson's
eyesight in right eye

It might be a good idea to see an ophtlamologist since Parkinson's can sometime affect the retina and a diagnosis could be important
You should definitely see an ophthalmologist without delay and be evaluated for macular degeneration. Appropriate treatment can help to stave off progression
Did your eye doc check you for cataracts?
Get thee to an ophthalmologist RIGHT AWAY!
seeing my family doctor on the 15th and will get a referral. you know how everything works with insurance companies.
So your regular physician has been told over the phone and says this condition can wait all that time, has he or she? At least you can pay 50 bucks to have an optometrist look at you even though they don't do diseases they can do some basic examinations and maybe have had some longer experience in general? Does your insurance cover any emergency rooms (and if yes, I would call them first to see if they are owned by a private wealth investment firm even if they're in a hospital, because you might get a $3,000 bill on the back side that retroactively insurance will not cover, that's the latest trick in the last 10 years some of these crooked Wall Street firms do now), or can you go to a neighborhood "urgent care" clinic? (Insurance usually will cover those because they save money in the long run but the insurance company but at least you should be checking with the insurance company to see if they'll authorize something on an emergency basis so that the time delay will not result in much larger claims against the insurance company down the road, and yes you can talk to somebody about that right away in the insurance company... Usually you can Wang a little bit by telling them that this is ensuring the insurer against some larger liability down the line and you having as a result of denial having to go to an ambulance chaser and do a nuisance suit or much bigger in case you're injured that much more, sometimes they might surprise you, they can authorize something if they think their own money will be on theline later... That's called risk management and is definitely something insurance know about, that's actually the business they do. What have you to lose if you're not going to see your doctor for quite some time and then can't see an opthamologist for quite some time, you can suggest to them that there may be severe liability down the road in case you have an immediate pregnant situation, retinas are pretty damn delicate and expensive to fix timely, and your insurance agent sure as heck is not a licensed practitioner professional, and so you can lean on them because of that too, you can say to them "well you're not a doctor so how are you going to know that a very expensive procedure isn't going to be prevented by doing a little bit now? Is that what your company's all about, paying excess liabilities because you didn't act in a thoughtful timely way in a real life situation when you could have? How do you think they would want to thank an employee for exposing them that way?" Can't hurt, throw a little scare into that insurance reviewer.
A long time ago (1987) when I made the mistake of looking through a magnified lens in my pentax camera it was sunset, and right after that I realized what I had done and it was at night and a small town in kansas, and I don't know how but it was back when all you had was a phone book and I called an emergency number in the old pages and told him I had an eye emergency and could they try to roust an on-call ophthalmologist, or maybe it was an ad for then ophthalmologist private office or clinic, and answering machine said what to do if it's an emergency after hours, it happened on a Saturday evening just about sunset as I mentioned, it was a weekend evening, after that anybody on call for such things and they actually got a guy on the phone, well maybe you can chat on a preliminary basis, turns out he was 120 miles away up in Kansas City, who was kind enough to let me just talk with him briefly verbally, I haven't told them if you want just give me your address and I'll send you a check myself (he graciously declined) told me probably I would be okay because it was a obviously red sun on the horizon right at sundown when I looked at the sun, which meant that the wavelengths would be a lot longer than usual and also going through more waves of humidity in the air and more qir absolutely as well since it was close to the horizon, and so I would probably okay, and in the end that turned out to be true, at least I survived the weekend without shooting myself... Sometimes people can be just kind, including (gasp!) doctors, hear the terror in your voice and forget that they're a doctor with bills to pay.
Do you know any doctors personally and go bang on their door at home? Call one's office and see what they say about if this is an emergency call so and so, maybe he's in practice with a couple partners and they do on call for each other, just claim to be a patient (yeah I know that is a little sneaky but I'd forgive you)? Or even a doctor who is just a stranger and you know where he lives and can bang on his door at home, sometimes they're actually humans when they'll respond to your anxiety with a quick look. Just like a neighbor even though you might not know the neighbor.
Anybody who has a doctor for an uncle or relative here on the string (the ones who are relatives are mine are all dead now)? Know of any independent practicing nurse practitioners or physician assistants?
going to try to get in somewhere but it is so diffucult
finally saw an _opthmalogist on and here is what is wrong with my eye. i had cataract surgery at a young age about 15 to 20 years ago. this problem is not related to Parkinsons . My right lens that was has fallen and is now sitting at the bottom of my right eye well (i am not familiar with term and i hope this makes sense to other people. So my right eye has no lens in place. when i see the bright orbs it is my eye reflecting on the lens sitting at the bottom. I have 2 options temporary one is to be fitted for a contact in my right eye. glasses will not work. the permanent option is to have a 2 stage surgery. the first one is to go in and remove the old fallen lens from my right eye and let the eye heal for a couple of weeks. then is the 2nd surgery is to put another one in the correct place and stit ch the new one in place. i am so glad it is able to be fixed... can no longer read or watch tv even unless i cover my right eye