This will make your blood boil: 13 min... - Cure Parkinson's

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This will make your blood boil

MBAnderson profile image
25 Replies

13 min video

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MBAnderson profile image
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25 Replies
Lizzy9 profile image

Thank you for posting. It’s absolutely shocking!!

park_bear profile image

Yep. Good, on point video.

chartist profile image

The pharmaceutical and health products industry has spent the most on lobbying over the past 24 years as discussed here :

What has made this possible for the pharmaceutical industry is politicians willing to take these legal bribes. Lobbying on its own is a good thing as long as there is no money involved in any way shape or form. Once the money is removed from the equation, politicians are more likely to do their job of representing their constituents instead of major industries with huge lobbying dollars at their disposal. Until then, greedy politicians will gladly continue to take legal bribes from lobbyists at our expense.

The main way to stop it is by passing legislation to not allow lobbyists to give these legal bribes. Unfortunately, it is these same greedy politicians who would have to pass such legislation and I think it will be a cold day in hell before these greedy politicians give up these endless supplies of money for their own bank accounts.

I believe that if such legislation were to be passed it could have the effect of getting better quality politicians in office. I think that there are many politicians who get elected because they are more interested in the legal bribes they can get for themselves rather than what is good for Americans.


MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to chartist

"I believe that if such legislation were to be passed it could have the effect of getting better quality politicians in office."

That's about as likely as the Sun not coming up tomorrow.

Boscoejean profile image

legislation in the works but it only works on one aspect of the problem

CuriousMe12 profile image

Everyone in the UK is covered by NI contributions which is a relief to me in later age and hope it continues for future generations needing it. However we still have a corrupt government intent on subcontracting parts of it out to their profiteering mates.

E.g. During covid they gave millions of public money to their mates, with no experience of PPE, to supply completely useless kit:

-Medpro and partners made as much as £100m profits

- At least £70m from PPE Medpro contracts taken offshore

-Small electronics firm behind supply of gowns for NHS

- Jet, yacht and racehorse purchased after PPE deal

- Tory peer and husband now selling yacht and properties

-Mone takes leave of absence from Lords and may leave UK

JakeMax profile image

Absolutely disgraceful!!!

Jmellano profile image

why doesn’t this surprise me? There will never be a cure for PD unless big pharma can make more long term by selling the cure vs. the monthly annuity they realize from the revenue stream generated by all the pills PwP take to alleviate our symptoms

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to Jmellano

That can only be true if big pharma is a coordinated single body. Otherwise one big pharma nicks all the business from the other big pharmas. Or more likely, one little pharma (research biotech) does.

Jmellano profile image
Jmellano in reply to WinnieThePoo

I am not a believer in conspiracy theories, but I do believe in collusion and none of the Pharma ( or any big corporation ) Has our best interests in mind. Can u tell I am a little jaded?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to Jmellano

Collusion and cartels exist and could apply to the pharma world. But if pfizer discover a molecule which significantly benefits PD users and renders all existing medication redundant and they can sell it at a premium for 20 years, do you really think they are going to suppress it for the sake of a deal with Hoffman la Roche or MSD? Especially when they are vulnerable to Annovis, inhibikase, and other biotechs developing something?

Jmellano profile image
Jmellano in reply to WinnieThePoo

it depends on the deal.... I have been burned by Merck when they took brand Sinimet of the market slippedawayblog.wordpress.c... As far as I am concerned, all big Pharma is corrupt and too much time is wasted on coming up with drugs that ease symptoms or make other PD drugs work better

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to Jmellano

The brand was a name. The drug is carbidopa levodopa which is readily available

Jmellano profile image
Jmellano in reply to WinnieThePoo

yes, only generic versions of c/l exist, no more brabd name sinimet. generics are not the same as brand

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to Jmellano

Aw bless. My Dad would have loved you.

Jmellano profile image
Jmellano in reply to WinnieThePoo

MBAnderson profile image

The US would be much, much better governed if a computer randomly picked the 435 legislators.

HugoRipanykhazov profile image
HugoRipanykhazov in reply to MBAnderson

Can you imagine what would happen if there were not just one or two Marjorie Taylor Greenes/Jim Jordans/George Santos Krazies, - but possibly hundreds of them? Over 70 million Americans watched a mental patient slimy crook with an 8th grade education make fun of his office for 4 years and then when asked who should be the next president, said "THAT'S MY GUY!"

MBAnderson profile image

"It's (big pharma) sole purpose is to monetize the suffering of millions of people."

A warning for those of us in the UK. There are parties interested in stepping in to 'rescue' our stretched health system who don't have our interests at heart.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Stillstandingstill

That sounds familiar🙄

CuriousMe12 profile image
CuriousMe12 in reply to Stillstandingstill

Both of the 2 big uk parties are now sponsored by private health/pharma oligarchs looking for a chance to stick their snouts in the trough.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to Stillstandingstill

The UKs health care system is broken. As a uk citizen with family in the UK suffering appalling health care I am grateful I live in France whose health care is excellent

Smittybear7 profile image


Gioc profile image

The vertical decline to the dissolution of a system of government, society or empire, however strong and powerful it is, is always preceded by the betrayal of the founding principles of that system.

Health systems have stopped caring about treating people because they are corrupt starting from those agencies that should check that this does not happen.

The solution consists in restoring an efficient control system based on citizens' judgement. that is, a system where citizens can control and express an opinion on this service and be listened to.

PS.this is also the only big difference between the US system and the German one, i.e. the system of control by the citizen.

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