Now this one’s not cured, but blimey..,.,…… - Cure Parkinson's
Now this one’s not cured, but blimey..,.,……

Upbeat. He's relatively young.
My hubby diagnosed at age 80 - no ballroom dancing for him. We DO a slow dance together for a few minutes and hug each other very tightly.
Everyone - keep moving to the best of your ability which is different for all. Even "dance" from a seated position.
Inspiring! Thank you!
I loved dancing pre PD but feel very inhibited now like someone's left the handbrake on. Right side Beyoncé, left side Theresa May! The UK folks will get this reference.
Mrs May 'dancing' - once seen , never forgotten 😭
Sorry for any offence caused by posting this video 😉
I fell for the third time today, about a year apart each fall. No broken bones this time but a nasty scraped elbow. I think it’s time for me to dance!
So sorry to hear that. I hope the bruises heal soon and you were not on your own when this happened. I used to leave the front door unlocked so the emergency services could get to me easier.
Thanks for your kind words. No, I was out walking with my husband. And another walker came to help. It was just a shock! Feels like a tree trunk falling over. Just a scrape, not even bruises as far as I can tell. I got off east this time, but definitely need to up my exercise and mobility practice!!!
Yes, exercise is very important though with me it seems everything is working "backwards"! I feel best if I lie down and don't move. Every attempt to move even a finger makes my whole body shake uncontrollably.I noticed this three years ago and mentioned it to my PD nurse only to get an email that they didn't know why the anti-Parkinson's medication is causing such symptoms (I didn't have these symptoms pre diagnosis). I don't know what to think anymore, it's completely debilitating.
Oh my. I’m so sorry, that sounds hard. Sending ❤️. I hope you find a solution. Maybe moving and just allowing the shaking is better than staying still. PD makes us lose the motivation to move, feel the value of movement, yet movement is what helps the most!! What “feels best” may not actually be best! I fall into that trap as well, trying to reverse the pull to stay still.
Looks like I'll be dancing around the house now lol
Amazing just shows what regular intense exercise can do
any info on him that's recent? couldn't find anything.
Ditto. I asked him for an update.
Is my surname Reuters?!
I've a sneaking suspicion that he could dance becuause his PD was comparatively mild rather than his PD was comparatively mild because he was dancing
Just in case you have not noticed, ballroom dancing ionvolves using the CONSCIOUS BRAIN,
FAST WALKING g uses the CONSCIOUS BRAIN which walking doest
I wonder why we both got better?
You’ve changed my life. I was a sceptic but no longer am. I deeply thank you.
Let’s try and engage as we both believe that conscious thought achieves things: firstly, when somebody with advanced Parkinson’s is OFF, they’re virtually immobile. I know this from experience. So , would such a person be expected with your theory to walk unmedicated or is medication allowed?
When you were OFF and virtually immobile were your muscles relaxed, and "floppy " or very tense and shaking?Apologies that I keep asking the same question over and over again but I'm trying to understand my symptoms and my Neurologist who has done nothing to improve my quality of life for two and a half years. Am I beyond redemption, I wonder.
Probably somewhere in between I reckon. Whilst there ARE bad neurologists Daisy, it’s probably also worth bearing in mind that virtually all neurological conditions are unfathomable. Doctors can only try and paper over the cracks. Invest in exercise, a good diet, meditate daily and take up a pastime that challenges your brain.
I’m sure that you’re going to tell us aren’t you?
soooooo inspiring.. thank u
I found this book which seems legit, but I don't have any insight into it so I can't recommend it or disparage it. It's an expensive book, so be cautious.