New-blood-test-could-help-diagnose-parkin... - Cure Parkinson's

This quote from the article is really interesting :
' The scientists also found that genetic biomarkers could be used to monitor the effectiveness of Parkinson’s therapies. '
This test seems much more useful than the research that MJFF funded for diagnosing PD via cerebrospinal fluid and this study got little fanfare, but has very good potential to determine what actually helps PwP.
so as it turns out MJFF was one of the organizations funding the Duke research
The study received support in part from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research; the Mitochondria, Aging & Metabolism Seed Grant Program; the William N. & Bernice E. Bumpus Foundation; the Pepper Center at the University of Pittsburgh; the Medical Research Council; the Chief Scientist Office Senior Clinical Academic Fellowship; the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Leadership Fellowship; Busch Biomedical Research; and the National Institutes of Health (F31NS089111, 1K23AG076663, R01NS064934, P50AG005133, RO1NS119528).
Whenever these research reports come out I wish they would be more transparent as to when the tests will actually be available for use by doctors and patients
The new Parkinson’s blood test could speed up diagnosis by at least 10 years
It could detect the disease more than 10 years earlier than at the moment so that existing treatments – and promising new ones under development – could be given at a time when they can be far more effective, before the nervous system becomes severely damaged.
there is a lot of emphasis on early diagnosis so let's hope that there will be a lot more emphasis on research that could actually help prevent progression