I've started to have problems sleeping. I usually wake up 1 or 2 times a night. However, over the past few weeks, I've been getting 1 to 3 hrs of sleep.
I don't know what to do. I fall asleep ok. After sleeping for approx 1.5 hrs I wake up. I go to the bathroom then as I try to go back into bed and sleep, i cant. I have the urge/drive to sleep but a couple of items stop me. First i cant get comfortable. As such i have to get up and reposition myself over and over again. I repeat for hours. Second, since December, I've had right shoulder pain and a stiff neck. That is part of my discomfort. I"m doing physio for it and posture exercise.
I'm a side sleeper (either right or left). I can't sleep on my back. Really uncomfortable.
Last night i slept on my left side. And after 4 hrs of repositioning, I was able to sleep another 2 hrs. However, I woke up with tingling along my whole left side.
I've tried magnesium and melatonin. How do I get back to sleep after waking up?