Latest report on the Sydney Symbyx trial
Red Light: Latest report on the Sydney... - Cure Parkinson's
Red Light

Thanks for posting the results of this trial. It was really interesting to see how using the red light device helped many participants with their motor functions.
My husband has the Welred helmet and has been using red lights for several years now. I think it has a place in helping with PD symptoms.
Here is the conclusion from this paper published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine:
(tPBM= transcranial photobiomodulation)
5. Conclusions
This remotely run study is the first triple blind RCT assessing efficacy and safety of a novel transcranial PBM device for PD. It was found that tPBM was safe, well tolerated and improved specific motor symptoms for a majority of the sub-scores of the treatment cohort. Current treatments for PD provide limited long-term results, highlighting the need to examine new and less-researched therapies. The use of tPBM to treat symptoms of PD reflects an emerging application of light-based technologies to expand treatment options. The response of some participants to tPBM treatment in this study suggests that further research with a larger trial is needed to build an understanding of the application of tPBM to treat the symptoms of PD. Finally, the characteristics of PD patients who might respond positively to tPBM therapy requires further exploration. The results of this study are encouraging and suggest that tPBM can meaningfully improve individual motor signs of PD and be used as a safe and non-pharmaceutical adjunct treatment for the management of symptoms of PD.
Thanks for posting , thats so interesting. I was looking at red light devices a while ago for my dads arthritis in his knees but I didnt know it could help my husbands Parkisons too!
My husband, Alan, has been using the Wellred coronet for a couple of years. It’s harder to measure its effect, as his symptoms are predominantly non motor. His health has deteriorated markedly over the last 12 months, as he’s had delirium four times and it’s affected him cognitively.
We did add the CoroNase a few months ago and he has since got his sense of taste and smell back, which he lost years ago.
thank you for the post!
Here's my 2 cents because that's all it's worth....
I spent a LOT of time researching these PMB devices ...
1. I'm skeptical if it is a "cheap" device (interpret that to mean the ones selling for about $300 and you can buy similar ones for less on Amazon).
2. I posted here several times research from two scientists who did experiments with PMB and dead animals. Their research proved that "CHEAP red light therapy" will never work for PD ... despite the many testimonials in this forum otherwise ... (placebo effect, at best)
Here's the link from two research scientists why the "cheapie red light helmets can't possibly work" ... Just watch the ... e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e
Here's more SCIENCE why the cheapie red light therapy helmets canNOT work:
BOTTOM LINE: "In the human subject analysed, this passage between the eye surface and the substantia nigra inside the mesencephalon was 79.78 mm long (Figure 4(c))."
So for your "helmet-style red light therapy" to work has to have enough POWER to reach...
THREE INCHES INTO YOUR BRAIN.... and these cheapie devices CANNOT do that!
They cannot even penetrate your skull.
something else that I can't vouch for but looks very interesting:
"The olfactory bulb is underneath the front of your brain just above the nasal cavity. Signals are sent from the olfactory bulb to other parts of the brain to be interpreted as a smell you may recognize, like apple pie fresh from the oven. Yum!y" from low-powered devices did NOT NOT NOT ... penetrate our skull (1/4" thick)... let alone penetrate the web part of our hand (if you can't see the 'light' on the other side of your hand... then HOW ... is it possibly penetrating our THICK SKULLS???)
3. There are a few devices in the multi-thousand dollar range that seem far more promising.
4. If I was going to plunk-down $2,000 or so ... I'd get the vielight intra-NASAL PMB device.
Reason? The lining of our nostrils has more surface blood vessels than any other part of our body .... AND ... the nose is DIRECTLY connected to our central nerv
from GOOGLE: "The olfactory bulb of our nose is underneath the front of your brain just above the nasal cavity. Signals are sent from the olfactory bulb to other parts of the brain to be interpreted as a smell you may recognize, like apple pie fresh from the oven. Yum!"
"These nerve pathways initiate in the nasal cavity at olfactory neuroepithelium and terminate in the brain. An enormous range of neurotherapeutics, both macromolecules and low molecular weight drugs, can be delivered to the central nervous system (CNS) via this route."
5. I am NOT vouching for the effectiveness of PD ... But if I were to use ANY of the "red light therapies" I'd buy their intra-nasal device.
Here's a link to their scientific research
6. Get SUN! It's summer time everywhere... At least 10 minutes of direct sunlight into your closed eyes. Did you also know that 'sun' can penetrate INTO YOUR BRAIN ... through your EARS? (as well as your eyes).
The 'sun' will stimulate your brain! Just Google that.
"Also, when your skin absorbs sunlight and produces vitamin D, that cycle triggers the production of dopamine as well as serotonin, meaning time in the sun can boost your dopamine levels."
Totally agree. No. 6: Sunlight, the source of our lives, is an underestimated part of the treatment of PD. Do you know how many times this has been mentioned on HUCP? 22 times. In contrast, Red Light Therapy 166 times! I now experience daily the healing effect. In this sun-drenched period in France, another remarkable improvement has occurred, as during the various hikes in southern Europe. A pattern can be recognized in it. The pre-diagnosis PD took place in November 2020. Diagnosis in February. The following lows were always in the same period November - February. Do you have similar experiences? Interesting to monitor this too.
thank you for your reply ... (I just got in from a sun bath! LOL)
I am NOT dx'd PD --- I have reported on this website many times my details and my appointment with a neurologist/MDS.
But I 'know' I have it. (my "anniversary" is June 20, 2021 when I had my first visible tremors in my left hand).
This las month my thousands of "internal tremors" have finally "surfaced" in my left hand.
VISIBLE (but still very small and mild) tremors.
Like all of us on this forum, I am doing as much as I can to STOP the progression.
Since everyone responds differently to PD -- it's impossible to tell if my progression has been slowed... or is normal... or worse than normal.
So far, I am 99.99999999999999999999999% OK.
No doubt that 0.0000000000000000000001% disappeared after sunbathing. Or do you have trouble typing? That is sometimes a problem for me when I have to enter the PIN of my debit card. Also some intercom systems where you have to dial a house number and where you make a double stroke every time and are incorrectly connected to the same unamused neighbour. 😅
You make it clear that you have very few complaints, but what about the invisible part of the PD iceberg. Sleep disturbances, mood swings, cognitive problems, fatigue, hallucunations autonomic disfunction (constipation, urination problems, sweating, sexual disfunction, blood pressure, etc.) Afterwards, based on some of these symptoms, I could have suspected Parkinson's diagnosis before the neurologist noticed that minute move in my finger. I have a strong suspicion that if you do the test with Mischley's PRO-PD questionnaire, you won't end up with 0. Very curious…. 🍀
these are all/were my symptoms over the last 2 years:
1. eyelid tremors in both eyes (very few, sporadically throughout the day)
2. sensation something is 'in' my eye (very few, sporadically throughout the day)
I did have a very recent eye exam and no problems were found
3. cramps in feet and lower legs (almost entirely gone now that I use my foot massager and vibration plate massagers regularly)
4. left face 'numbing' and 'internal tremors' in the face
5. constipation: I happily beat that one! With a combination of situps, weights, vibration plate, cod liver oil, magnesium, fiber in my diet ... I'm back to normal!
(very few, sporadically throughout the day)
6. #1 COMPLAINT: thousands of mild, internal tremors (95% in forearms and the other 5% in my hands and other parts of my body) --- DAILY.
Just this last month the "internal tremors" have "surfaced" and my left thumb moves very slightly... but only a few times, each day. I feel the "internal tremors" strongly in the 'web' of my left hand and i can actually SEE the muscle twitch!
Nothing else.
Thank God.
p.s. when I had the single appointment with the neurologist/MDS ... he gave me a '4' on the UPDRS scale.
p.p.s. thanks for the tip about dr mischley's questionnaire
Probably by tackling these symptoms so seriously, hopefully you can wait a long time for your PD diagnosis! By actively working on this at such an early stage, PD and many other chronic diseases might not have to become such a pandemic. I think we can already make big steps by only paying attention to a healthy sleep regimen, (MIND) diet, exercise, prevention of (chronic) stress, healthy living environment and… sufficient sunlight. I'm all the time trying to make my children realise that.