I've read about prebiotics or postbiotics affecting the gut and therefore affecting Parkinson's. It doesn't make a lot of sense but everything else I've tried has been disappointing.
PS 128: I've read about prebiotics or... - Cure Parkinson's
PS 128

I guess the answer is easy but on Amazon what's the difference between the $97 product and the $15 version, other than $82?
My HWP takes it, gut is the second brain. I do think it may be beneficial to slow progression. That being said he takes other supplements too. Ginko B. is good for mental cognition.
I’ve been taking it for the last two years. A very expensive supplement but I will continue with the hope it does help
Try it without supplements... When following the MIND diet, you automatically get many of the needed Probiotics and Prebiotics through food. The Postbiotics as well when using fermented products such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha, etc. The MIND diet still seems to be the best diet for PD at this moment.
Exactly what hubby's neurologist said - don't need this supplement. Get it through food. So, we stopped taking the supplement and increased yogurt and saurerkraut. Didn't notice changes when taking probiotics. Without probiotics and eating fermented foods his tummy doesn't gurgle as much. 🙂
Sauerkraut is the best food for probiotic & probiotics
I make yogourt out of the ps128 capsules for my husband. With 3 capsules, I make 4 litres of yogourt (1 liter per week). It's a good inexpensive way to have this specific strain of probiotic
We tried it and it did not help.
My HwP has taken PS 128 for one year now, with no noticeable difference. However, I do believe in it and spoke with a very interesting company called Biotiquest in Denver that sells many different strains as the founder has an incredible research background since her husband has PD as well. They recommended their Sugar Shift for PD, they are great to speak with if you have any questions. I am trying a 6 month dose of that for less money. I highly suggest you do the research and speak with them. Please read what the founder sent me regarding their Sugar Shift probiotic:
PS128 is a single strain of Lactobacillus plantarum from researchers in Korea who studied it in Parkinson's and found that it had some benefits on the symptoms. Our formula, contains a Lactobacillus plantarum as well but our formula is a combined system of 8 strains. We did purchase the PS128 product and we isolated and sequenced it to compare to our strain and found that ours had all of the genes that the PS128 has plus some additional detoxification genes. We expect based on that comparison that it would perform in a similar way to their product but we have not done a study. Lactobacillus plantarum has some heavy metals detoxification, including aluminum, which may be part of the mechanisms of both the PS128 and our product. It also produces plantarcins which are effective at killing pathogenic bacteria. Plantarcins are what are called bacteriocins which are essentially very targeted “antibiotics” against certain pathogens. Our formula was designed to produce mannitol in the gut by converting glucose and fructose from the diet in to mannitol. This concept was based on the research that showed that mannitol could stop the aggregation fo the proteins in an animal model and could even pull them out of the brain of the mouse/rat.
I know its expensive, but the Biotiquest is less money. I suggest you call and talk to them and ask them all your question. They are really good to speak with although it may take a few days, it did for me as I emailed them on their website and the founder called me the next week! And, at this point with HwP, I need to 'preserve' him as much as possible since his progression is fast. Best of everything to you!
Sorry for the late reply, my email has been acting up. I think you can find that on their website or call and ask. I'm not with the bottle right now and like I said, my email has not been letting me reply. Good luck!