long-term Lithium use tied to higher risk... - Cure Parkinson's
long-term Lithium use tied to higher risk of VTE, Parkinson and kidney diseases

study here: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/366...
For lithium prescription users:
"Pulmonary embolism was more common in the lithium-treated cases both in comparison to the general population (HR = 2.86, 99% CI = 2.42-3.37) and in comparison to the psychiatric subcohort (HR = 1.68, 99% CI = 1.31-2.17). Similarly, the risks of Parkinson's disease and kidney disease were higher in both comparisons. "
Any idea of the dosage for ‘prescription users’?
A relevant quote :
' Lithium is usually taken 1-3 times per day with or without food.Typically patients begin at a low dose of medication and the dose is increased slowly over several weeks.The dose usually ranges from 600 mg to 1200 mg daily, but some people may require higher doses depending on weight or symptoms. Only your health care provider can determine the correct dose for you. '
A relevant quote :
' Usual dosage range: 600 mg PO 2 or 3 times per day. '
Based on that, a dose as high as 1800 mg/day by prescription.
I am pretty sure they are talking about prescription doses, which I think is about 450 mg of Lithium Carbonate.
Studies like these have little bearing on the micro-dose usage in Parkinson. It only serves to scare away use of this nutrient by some who may benefit.
A dose of 10 mg elemental lithium, taken as Lithium Orotate, has been a great benefit to my spouse. (It alleviated much of her anxiety, when taken in a consistent manner).
I think thought leaders like yourself should be a little more circumspect when putting information out. Not every one can see through the thicket of weeds, and figure out what makes sense. 🌺
Well said. And even those of us who are keen to question and deep dive in to papers can be hit with a rush of anxiety and dread too intense to enable us to do so. Thankfully PB clarified for me bc as a sadly fragile individual, I plummeted in to a dark scared place.
Correct! Its not a bad idea to double check supplements periodically particularily some potentate prescription meds like blood thinners and BP meds. As an example have read CL depletes B6 but MD say not too much or learned not to take magnesiun with CL or gabapentin interfers w peak plasma level etc. Still take B6 p5p a couple times a week away from CL dosing. Supplements gets way more complicated if you have other medical conditions.
Yes, important to take B-6, but at a different time from levodopa meds. Worth reading:
In the past and for us the oldies here, we have discussed it extensively. However, for newbies, it's informative although confusing.
Prescription and over the counter Lithium are two DIFFERENT things.