Hello, my husband with tremor dominant PD has been prescribed Trihexyphenidly (aka Artane, Trihexane and Tritane) by his neurologists to try and reduce his tremors. He is currently on Madopar and its not really helping. Does anyone have any experience with this drug? Many thanks.
Trihexyphenidyl medication for PD - Cure Parkinson's
Trihexyphenidyl medication for PD

This is a very old medication and I've been told it isn't widely prescribed anymore for PD. My doc wanted me to try it, but after a bit of research I decided against it. There seems to be issues related to cognitive decline associated with long time use.
Hi, just same across your post - too late, as usual! I was on trihexyphenidyl for a while for dystonic/essential tremor. While the medicine did help with the tremors, it made me feel awful. I was getting a dreadful panicky/anxious feeling shortly after taking it and decided to skip it for a while. I was shocked as how to much my memory and general cognitive performance returned when I stopped the drug as I hadn't realised how bad it had become. For info, I'm mid forties, and was on it for 18 months or so. I also know someone who was on it for PD but came off it due to the issues with memory impairment. Not a pleasant drug in my experience. Hopefully, your husband has found something that works well.