I would like to know if anyone else suffers from the problem that I have which is 1st thing in a morning I have great difficulty opening my eyes for quite a while in morning’s and its causing me some real problems at coming round 1st thing in the morning? I would be great full if anyone else have this problem? And if anyone now’s how to overcome this problem??
sleep problems waking up in the morning - Cure Parkinson's
sleep problems waking up in the morning

i now have a similar issue after I've got the second side ptt done.do you take mg supplements? If so how much and what kind
Sometimes that has happened to h me. I just gently rub my eye lids, and massage them open. I think they don't have enough moisture.
hi yes I had a big problem with opening my eye on a morning and. During the day but when i saw my consultant she asked me to try optrex spray and it has works wonders for me .so if you haven't already tried it then let me know & i can tell you which one I use so GOOD LUCK
My eyes were so dry they were glued to my eyes in the morning and it was painful. Eye doctor had be get eye 'gel' to put in at night before bed. better than drops. I use drops thruout the day. Might try the gel
I have the same problem. My optometrist has told me that the liquid produced by the glands in the eye is the consistency of butter where is it should be the consistency of oil. I have to apply a heat pack for five minutes a day and then massage my eyes. She has also given me some drops to put in every day. This is all helped Although it is a bit of a nuisance.
Hate to be nerdy but eye problems have been a big deal for me for 30 years. The eyes produce a watery fluid. TBUP is the test for tear break up time. The optometrist puts drops in the eye then watches how long it takes for the tear film to break up after a blink. In normal eyes it takes 20 to 30 seconds. In dry eye syndrome it takes one to two seconds for the tear film to break up. There are Mybomian glands in the eye lids that produce oil. Think about making soup; The oils float to the surface and spread out there. The oil from mybomian glands do the same thing. This coating of oil keeps the tears from evaporating too soon. The mybomian glands cause stys also by plugging the tear ducts.
I don't know whether it's a symptom of PD but I have dry eye. I take Restasis eyedrops.
hi to everyone and thank you for your help as regards my eye problems ? I will try everything thing that you have suggested and. I appreciate your help and support.